Happy Anniversary, China

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Moderator Emeritus
on the tenth anniversary of Tinenemen Square.

We gift you with "favored Nation" status courtesy of that fervent supporter of Human and Civil Rights...William Jefferson Clinton

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Another victory for the proletarian peoples of the world against counter-revolutionary capitalist dogs! Under the leadership of the Communist Party, the workers and peasants heroic struggle against the oppressive reactionaries continues and we must remain ever vigilant to protect the gains of the revolution.

Power comes from the barrel of a gun, and the weight of tank treads over human bones.

By the way, does anybody remember that Gen. Douglas MacArthur ordered the US Army to attack the WWI Vets who marched on Washington for their bonus pay? As in Tienahmen (sp?) Squre, tanks, tear gas and machine guns were also used to "restore order."

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Oh, this is nothing new... Not just Governmental either...
FORD MOTOR COMPANY had its guards FIRE live rounds INTO a gathering of its own WORKERS! Killed 6 dudes right off the bat and wounded many others... Why? Cause they were PROTESTING!

What were the guards packing? I think Thompsons...

Mac Arthur is the only American awarded the medal of honor for loosing his army and running. He is responsible for the current japanese culture.

And yes he did order his troops to fire on the veterans in washington. "Dougout doug" is no american hero in my book. Harry Truman was right.

I just read today that the next Nuclear Supercarrier to be launched has already been named the Ronald Reagan, two more are in the planning stage. I hope no one thinks of calling one the William Jefferson Clinton.

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited June 05, 1999).]
In the good 'ole days, our states were honored by having a battleship named after them (with the only exception being the Kearsarge). Aircraft Carriers were named after American battles, cruisers after our cities, destroyers after naval/marine heros, submarines for the most part after fish.

Modernly everything is askew. Theodore Roosevelt I can live with for a CV. Jimmy Carter may be a sub. Another funny thing is naming ships after living persons. Arleigh (31 knots) Burke was honored with a class of destroyers.

Turning to William Jefferson Clinton, I think one of those prison barges in NY could be aptly named in his honor. It would a very symbolic way to reminding people of the freedom and rights we enjoyed in the days of our youth.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
If prisons have ANY chance of rehabilitating inmates, the name Clinton might not be appropriate. How about a garbage scow, one that we plan to "dump" as soon as possible?

Originally I mused over a garbage scow, but they do an honest day's work for an honest day's living. They're hardly the pride of the fleet (like the HMS Hood or SMS Bismarck were) and so I would be reluctant to take away any dignity a humble garbage scow has.

On the other hand, naming a floating cat house (or drug den) would be very appropriate. APL (American Presidential Lines) is still around, but they're into freight (honest work).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

I'll buy that in a heartbeat! We could name it "HMS Monica" maybe?
(Go on. I dare you. Go ahead and ask what HMS stand for. Tee Hee....)