I'll share my experience in this over the last 2 years of having my own range.
I started out with 8" circles. I built a "hitching post" out of 4X4's and hung them underneath with chain. I hung them at least 5" below the cross tie to insure (well, hope anyway
) that I wouldn't accidently shoot the wood. I never shot the wood, but I shot the chain with the occasional errant shot. Dinged up chain, replace chain, force of impact on target causing chain links to expand, blah-blah-blah.
I then decided on some cheap, long hinges. Same thing. I hit the hinge and it got cattywampus (that's a word ain't it?), blah-blah-blah.
I currently have firehose. So far, for this type of configuration, it's the best solution. I acquired 12' of old hose from a demo'ed construction site. Even if you shoot the firehose, it absorbs the hit without much issue. Been working well since Thanksgiving and I shoot almost every weekend.
I have two silouette targets as well. I've always had them hanging from target hangers (what my wife calls "plant hangers" but what does she know?
). I had to cut them off at the bottom (I wanted them fairly low to the ground) and I put a T-post behind 'em and wired 'em together for increased strength/stability (the targets are quite heavy). Wish I could claim this as an original idea, but alas, I cannot. Got it from a YouTube guy called Hickock45 who has a ton (maybe more than that) videos of him shooting stuff on his range in TN. I raise my glass in toast to Mr. Hickcock45 and his targeting solutions.
Good Luck with yours.