Handling recommendations for .22mag Black Widow revolver?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Got this from runt_of_the_litter!
Two questions:

1. What's the best way to hold the gun to avoid firing it by accident right after cocking (esp. when wearing gloves)?

2. How to de-cock it, esp. under stress? Seems that one needs to lower the hammer on a live round first, then half-cock and pull the trigger...a sure way to an AD?
I'd say

1. All fingers either on the grip or off the gun entirely. OR forefinger alongside the trigger guard, just outside.

2. Use weak hand thumb and forefinger to grasp sides of hammer, ease hammer down while pulling trigger, with muzzle pointed safely.
Oleg: The answer to both questions is "very carefully."

Here are a couple of tips to make your Black Widow into a more concealable mousegun. You can replace the large grips with one NAA sells to fit the .22 magnum frame. Also, you can get take one of the Ribka leather pocket holsters for the .22 mag and re-mold it to fit the 2" Black Widow. Just put some boot oil on the holster, wrap the gun in Saran wrap, and leave it in the holster for a few days.

I'm sure you've already discovered that the Black Widow with sights is far more accurate than the smaller NAA minis.
Good Shooting,
Nice ...very nice. What did the biggest of the litter buy you? Casull? They already said it, above...just be careful. If you get
really good at it, you should be able to handle it under a stressfull situation. And if your hands agree with it, get the smaller grips. I looks AWESOME!

Shoot well