Handicapped shooter.


I'm trying to find competition that I can participate in. Two reasons for my problems, 6 hip replacements on the right side and my lousy shooting!
I walk with a cane fairly quick but can't run. I can move between parts of a stage if they are close together.
I've shot bulls-eye, international pistol, and club events i.e. Bowling pins and such.
Dearly miss the competition!
6 hip replacements?
Are there arachnids in your ancestry?
But seriously, are there any NRA Action Pistol games in your area?
Bianchi Cup style, that is.
They're not as popular as they once were, but if you can find one, that would do nicely.

You can always go slow with IDPA and USPSA matches.
No shortages of them no matter where you live.
Just tell the attending range officer to be aware of your affliction and try not to run you over.
No big deal as long as they know.

That's what I did when my old joints acted up.
I even did stages from one position, hit what I could and let the rest go.
Still had lots of fun, never mind the score.
Hobble, hobble.

Almost forgot, check for Steel Challenge matches, too.
No running around, just fast shooting from one position on steel targets.
One of my favorites.
Check for local ones at USPSA.org, the sponsors.
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Any issues with standing for relatively long periods? As in, Bullseye, pins(if you can find a game. I think bowling alley technology with the actual pins has changed and getting used pins is more difficult.), plates or NRA High Power or Small Bore rifle. or Camp Perry. There's also Palma if you can hold a 14 pound, single shot, rifle while prone.
Heck, if there's nothing else, start a type of match for others in your situation.
Somewhere in my travels on the web, I ran across such a match.
It apparently started with a few handicapped folks showing up with lawn chairs for a local silhouette monthly game.
Then more and more participants started doing it and it became the rule.
Multiple lanes with four swinging silhouette targets each, and everyone shooting from their lawn chairs.
No resetting of targets required.
Very sensible, yes?
I had to give up my USPSA and ICORE matches because my wheelchair can't maneuver around the rocky ranges. I've since started shooting Steel Challenge Matches. Once I'm set in the box there is no movement and I can compete with everyone else. There are two stages with movement during the stage ( Outer Limits ) but according to the rules a handicapped shooter can shoot the stage from the middle box without moving. Depending on the match director there is no penalty to the shooter. Some MDs will give you a 1.5 second penalty. It doesn't matter what they do, it's all for the enjoyment of shooting.
Any NRA sanctioned matches you can get a disability rating from the NRA. I would let you shoot small bore silhouette in a disability rating. If you can stand and shoot off hand for two five minute rounds. You can't be any worse than some of the shooters we already have. :)