Handicap License Plates


New member
There were quite a few comments on the post made by Rob on license plates. One of them was about a handicaped plates with a "healthy looking driver or passenger.

Don't be too quick to jump to conclusions. My wife, for example has has triple bypas surgery and has a serious heart condition. She cannot walk very far, but otherwise "looks" healthy. I have noticed people looking at her in a strange manner when she parks in a handicapped parking space with the legal sticker on the car. Looks can be deceiving.
I must admit this is truly a pet peeve of mine. Shotgun, I am sure your wife uses this convenience wisely, most don't. I was confined to a wheelchair recently for 4 mos. due to a polytrauma. I was unable, due to several injuries, to move very far at all. A distance of 50 yards would make the trip impossible.

While in this state I could not help but notice the amount of "disabled" individuals parking in these spots. Several times a trip was abandoned or I was forced to travel much further with extreme difficulty because there were no open spots, only to find a "disabled" individual walking perfectly away from thier car.

Alot of people live with a medical difficulty. I believe there are very few "disabled" people for whom an extra 50 or 100 yards makes a difference other than a slight inconvenience. Disability for most is a state of mind and not thier body.

BTW my story has a happy ending i.e. some physical impairment- no disability.


Cars with handicapped plates or displaying handicapped placards are required to have paperwork identifying the person the handicapped parking privileges are assigned to. That person doesn't have to be driving, just in the car. If you think the privilege is being abused by a capable person, call the police. The fine is pretty stiff for abusing the privilege.

Bruce Stanton
About 2 years ago, Northern Virgina decided to designate spaces for Pregnant women. Unfortunately, it cut down on the amount of handicap spaces available. I liked the idea that very (8-9 months) pregnant women got to park a little closer, but I think it is being abused by just (1-3 months) pregnant women. It's a hard call whether or not someone does or doesn't need the closer space. Looks can be deceiving.

"Time changes everything"
I agree that these spaces are being abused. It don't take much to get a disabled tag/sticker. But like Shotgun's wife, i have a friend that has lung problems and a walk of 50' or so is all she can do at one time, but to look at her you'd would think that she was healthy. At our Walmart all the spaces in front of the store are marked handicapped, i live in a small town and it's hard for me to believe that there are really that many people around here that are handicapped enough to need those spaces, but everyday they're filled up. I have no problem w/ those spaces being used by people that really need it, but i believe there are so many that are just lazy and they can get a doctor to fill out the nessary paper work to get the tags/sticker. this is what America has come to. it's pityful....

fiat justitia
Back when I was driving a police car for aliving, I wrote a ticket for parking in an handicaped zone without a permit. I got called in the station because there was a permit in the truck, just not where it was supposed to be. The owner of the permit called to complain, it seems he sent his grandson to do the shopping while he stayed home. They wanted me to dismiss the ticket, which I was glad to do. I then wrote the kid a ticket for misuse of a handicapped permit which caused his grandfather to lose the permit. Y-e-s-s-s-s-s!

I loved it when justice worked well.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
Thanks! I needed that! :D Guess they hadn't heard,

"When you're in ..it up to your lip,
That's no time to make waves."
In addition to the spaces reserved for the handicapped and pregnant, I've seen reserved spaces for Senior Citizens starting to show up. If this keeps up, We'll have to start carrying a bicycle in the trunk of the car just to get to the front door. How about reserved parking for us smokers? You know we're dieing of lung cancer. Shouldn't we get special treatment too? :)

My biggest complaint is with the people WITHOUT the permit using the designated parking space.
As far as I know you have to have a doctor's certification to get the permit so it is based on a medical judgment.

Better days to be,

I saw a new one tonight "Honorably Discharged Veteran" (Colorado). I wonder if anyone is vain enough to pay for the flip side of that one?
Olazul is correct that disability is a state of mind. My Dad's right leg was made of fiberglass and rubber. His car wore a "Disabled Veteran" license plate. He rarely used handicapped parking spaces. His attitude was "There's folks out there that need that space alot worse than me."
From him I learned that no matter what physical difficulties may complicate your life, one is only handicapped if they choose to be. He used to say "I'm not handicapped, just crippled." He never let it slow him down.
I deal with applications for disabled parking spaces on a daily basis...I usually refuse about 50% of all applications because their medical problems aren't justified. However, there are many other medical practitioners out there who just about gives it to anyone who inquires, just because it's easier to sign on the dotted line than it is to review the patient chart, etc. This is sad because, in my state, a lot of peole are truly lazy and get way more than what they are entitled ( Workers' Comp, disability, etc.). Rest assured I am kind of a hard**s about this with my patients, and if they don't like it they can easily find someone else to make it easy for them. Not me.

On the other hand, respect those that don't look disabled. A lot of cardiac/pulmonary patients do have difficulty with the extra 50 yards, even if they don't look sick.

If the person does look fishy, please do not hesitate to report the license info to the state troopers. But before doing so, try confronting them about it if you feel brave enough. Guilt works wonders.

Also, note if their tags are expired or temporary. If they are past due, contact the state police.
this isnt handicap parking but ...the lazy folks who park in front of the store in the firelane, chap my butt a little as well....expecially when there blocking a drop off location or container.....fubsy.
Well, I'll probably get flamed big time for this ...

Usually when we go to the store, there are scads of these parking spaces ... empty.

Now, I have no problem with walking a bit further so someone less fortunate can have an easier time. But ... I have a real problem with making this a state law. If retailers had gotten together, with or without pressure, to offer this courtesy, then that would have been fine. But IMHO, this is another example of a good thing ruined by making it a legal requirement.

Personally, I am tired of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) and on and on. IMHO, these are intrusions by the state to attempt to force individuals to act in a civil manner. Or, to put it another way, if we can just pass a few thousand more laws, then everything will be perfect. While well-intentioned, I think this is the same kind of thinking that is damaging our country's freedoms in many, many ways. Including the RKBA.

Donning Nomex ...
On one hand, having spent some time on crutches w/a temp handicap thingie on the mirrror, that the handicapped spaces help. I have no problem with them for the legitimately handicapped, and know people who look fine, but really are in bad shape (emphasema, heart trouble, etc), and it really burns my butt when I see some brat with granny's car abusing the privilege.

OTOH, I think there are way too many of them compared to the percentage of the population that needs them, and I think that set asides for pregos and otherwise healthy geezers is ridiculous. I too live in N. VA where it is very congested with tight parking. The pregnant spaces are set aside as a courtesy, its not a state thing, and you can't be ticketed if you choose to ignore the sign. I see them mostly in shoping areas that the Fed realty Trust inherited by defaults in the late 80's/early 90's, they put them in as a customer relation gimmick. It's ironic, since the Fed.s don't consider pregnancy a disability, nor can pregnant women use handicapped spaces without the proper parework from the Dr. (and if it's that difficult a pregnancy, they probably shouldn't be driving anyway-). At the risk of sounding like Ursa Major, I'm sick and tired of the lazy-@ssed whiners who want special treatment for no jutifiable reason. Hell, if they got more exercise they'd feel better and quit whining and we'd all be happier. My .02.