Handguns owned before moving to MI


I am confused a bit by Michigan's handgun laws. I have had CCWs in PA and FL before coming to MI. I got my CCW here about 2 years ago and am just finding out that, although I've never purchased a handgun in MI, I need to process them in some manner through my local police department for a safety check or some such? I can't say I've read every word of MI gun laws, but I cannot find anything that covers handguns already possessed by someone moving here from another state. I've found information about handguns purchased or otherwise acquired. And is it correct that if you have a CCW (or CPL) you don't need a purchase permit to buy a handgun? Do you still have to take it to the local police department for a safety check? Thanks for any help for a newly transplanted Michigander.
You have to go in a register them with the state. Bills of sale from when you bought them are probably a good idea. Completely unloaded with no ammo in the case when you bring them in, they glance at them for like 10 secs and check the numbers on them for stolen firearms.

(this is a law that was struck down in many southern states because it was used to keep blacks and others from buying firearms)

I'm in MI and own a pistol that I bought in FL.. I ended up leaving mine in FL to avoid having to go through all the steps. I still live in FL I just don't get to use it for a few months.
here in Michigan,if you have a cpl you can purchase as many handguns as you want with no permits or safety checks.Starting January of this year,they stopped doing the safety checks,Like, a non cpl handgun purchase can be done by obtaining a pistol permit at the police station,doing the serial numbers and seller info yourself,and just dropping off the one section back to the police station for them to send to the state police.That's how it was for me and that was the info on cpl the gun store owners gave to me,all might have changed since then already too.
Thanks for the info. I'll have no problem with some of them since I kept most, but not all, of the sales slips. All were processed with the instant background checks, even those bought at gun shows. The one I don't have a bill of sale for can be checked by serial number, though. I've had it for quite some time and it was transferred via a local gun dealer in PA. Having been born and raised in WV then living in PA and FL, it seems a little odd to me to have to get a purchase permit at all. Glad I haven't had to live in NJ! And it's good to know that you don't need the purchase permit if you have a CPL and safety checks are no longer required, if I understand that correctly. But I still need to register them with the state through my local police station? Well, I guess that's not too bad, but big brother is alive and well in Michigan!
If you have not registered them in MI you MUST register them ASAP!
The "Safety Inspection" has been eliminated but they still must be registered!
And it's good to know that you don't need the purchase permit if you have a CPL
You may still need a RI60 to transfer to yourself. If it was me I would inform the officer that you had been storing the guns in your last state of residence and recently brought them to MI and need to register them.
For the best info on MI gun laws ask over at Michigan gun owners
Before asking this question over there I would contact Jim Simmons He offers his opinion on the legal subforum.( http://www.migunowners.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=180 )
I believe the call is free but if you need his professional services he will charge.
Jim Simmons
Law Offices of James T. Simmons, P.C.
45700 Village Boulevard
Shelby Township, Michigan, 48315
(586) 566-1900
(586) 532-4110 fax

From the MSP FAQ page ( http://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,1607,...tml#Pistol_Registration__Purchase____Transfer)

10. I have just moved to Michigan from another state. How much time do I have to register my pistols?

MCL 28.422 Upon establishing legal residency, you should immediately contact your local law enforcement agency, pass the basic safety questionnaire, and complete a License to Purchase.


I would get this straightened out ASAP if I were you, if caught with an unregistered handgun you would probably loose your gun and your carry permit would likely be revoked permanently.
here in Michigan,if you have a cpl you can purchase as many handguns as you want with no permits or safety checks.Starting January of this year,they stopped doing the safety checks,Like, a non cpl handgun purchase can be done by obtaining a pistol permit at the police station,doing the serial numbers and seller info yourself,and just dropping off the one section back to the police station for them to send to the state police.

Even with a CPL you must register your handguns with the State Police. They no longer do a safety inspection they now call it what it always was REGISTRATION! You now just need to send a copy of either the Purchase permit or RI-060 to the MSP. I would recommend certified return receipt if mailed or turning it in in person so nothing gets lost.
I'm in MI and own a pistol that I bought in FL.. I ended up leaving mine in FL to avoid having to go through all the steps. I still live in FL I just don't get to use it for a few months.
If you are a FL resident with FL CWFL you can carry your pistol in MI and there is no registration. If you have a MI DL then you are screwed.
I've seen something about this on the Michigan State Police site. http://www.michigan.gov/msp
I couldn't find it today, but am short on time. I'm sure you could call too and they would be happy to help you out.

Also. Congrats on being the ONLY person to move TO Michigan in the last 5 year. Welcome.