Handguns are like toolboxes!


New member
I'm starting to think that is more the case all the time. Let's think about it. You don't get any "work" done with a toolbox. Everything that actually does the work is inside the box. A good box simply keeps everything available when you need it in an orderly, usable fashion. Tool boxes range from plastic "first-timers" to huge tool condos, but most of the good ones find themselves somewhere in the middle of that range. Buy one too small or insufficient and you'll most likely be looking to upgrade after time. Many of the mega-drawer laden boxes languish as merely garage-queens, or, if they are used, the tools inside are usually museum quality.

Likewise, handguns really couldn't get any work done if it weren't for the "tool" harbored inside the chamber. A test of a good tool box is whether or not it keeps your tools safe and ready for use when you need it. Why can't we use that same standard for our handguns? Many times, we shun the gun because it doesn't have the equivalent of roller drawer slides or it doesn't have the right label on the side.

I understand the need for quality, but sometimes, I think we might be trying to be the guy in the shop with the biggest chest (pun intended) instead of suiting our needs, or, understanding how a specific powder-driven tool box might be sufficiently fulfilling someone else's needs.

Anyhow, I'm off of my soap box for now, but I just thought about that today and thought I'd share. :D
And bongs are like...the total opposite of lamps dude! whoa...

I kid I kid...

Very poignant. I'm going to use this line of logic in friendly conversation with antigunners.

Nice Post.
Actually, a tool box just holds your tools. A gun does more than just hold a cartridge and in this, some guns are more reliable and accurate than others.

So, while I don't disagree that guns are tools, I will disagree that guns are simply tool boxes. I do understand the point of your post though.
Having read the title of this thread, I imagined the basic idea would be that we all seem to acquire bigger and better, or more purpose driven tool boxes as time goes by and that handguns were of a similar evolution.

I have ancient machinist's chests, modern steel roller combos, everything from a handmade wooden saw box to very specific ballistic nylon tool bags like Duluth Trading's Big House, etc. My handgun buying and utilizing has followed a similar path; I once had many makes and models, many calibers, all for different jobs. Now I have a few specialized tools and of course, the ubiquitous sledgehammer, the 12 gauge pump gun. You know, for persuading!
You can smash a lot of things with a 12 guage sledge hammer! I think I have a new name for my 12 guage. Thanks Sarge.
I have a large drawer in my Craftsman roller for hammers, specifically hand sledges, rock drills, specialty hammers like light peens, tack hammers, framers, etc. I have a ten pound octagonal faced sledge, too, and if something gets out of whack, it can usually either put it back in place or destroy it so I can start over.

Good luck!
I think I see what youre saying. But I have one of the really big tool boxes which I need for my work. You need A LOT of different tools these days to diagnose and repair cars and trucks. I use my toolbox to keep my tools organized and safe, and to provide a work surface. I use it everyday all day long so I guess durability would be the most important factor. I think I see your point in wanting to keep it simpler than it sometimes gets with selecting a handgun. But there's also more variables with a handgun than there is with a toolbox in my opinion. I also see some people are selecting their handguns based on show rather than function and simplicity. You can buy a flashy kimber or a plain glock or ruger, etc. that works just as well for less $$. The choices do make it more interesting though.
Gun safes are like tool boxes

guns are like tools, you gotta use the right one for the job... hunting, self defense, killing spree... :eek:
Very poignant. I'm going to use this line of logic in friendly conversation with antigunners.

Then they will simply start saying that we need to outlaw all bullets.
I think you guys see where I was going with this. I mean, you read a lot on the 'net about if a bunch of folks don't like a certain gun, they're snobs and if they DO like a certain gun, they're fan-boys.
Is that mean when I need to make a hole in something, I don't need to look for my drill.

I did that once with my little Beretta Bobcat 22 because I couldn't find my drill bit's. Ohhh, I could have found them.:D
I think you guys see where I was going with this. I mean, you read a lot on the 'net about if a bunch of folks don't like a certain gun, they're snobs and if they DO like a certain gun, they're fan-boys.
You're right, and just like tools, or tool boxes, as long as they get the job done, whether they cost little or lots, it doesn't matter. Another semblance, just like tools, if you are out somewhere, and have trouble, you can't fix the problem if your guns or tools are at home. :)