Handguns against Rifles


New member
Whos to say handguns arent as effective as rifles. heres one case.


This is an actual photo of a shoot-out involving Officer Stan Cook of the Honolulu Police Department. On August 31, 1994 at 0835 Hrs he was involved in a shooting while conducting a "routine" traffic stop. The driver was on ICE and had a loaded AK47 in the vehicle. They exchanged fire of 20 rounds by the suspect and 18 rounds by Officer Cook. The suspect struck the officer 8 times and he returned fire hitting the suspect 15 times. Officer Cook was out of work for four months and underwent two surgeries.
Don't forget the military policeman who encountered the subject on base several years ago with a MAK 90, he won the fight with a service pistol.
Mostly this makes me want to pray for the officer involved, and give a hearty thanks to all the LEOs out there who face challenges like this.

Officer Cook's webpage is here.

Critter fired 20 rounds, striking the officer 8 times.

18 rounds fired by the officer, striking the critter 15 times.

Obviously Officer Cook forgot to read the assertations by certain knowledgable personages that LEO's have an 80% miss rate with their sidearms. ;)

All kidding aside, this is a prime example of just exactly how subjective "stopping power" is. Eight hits with 7.62 X 39 would rate rather highly on both the Fackler and M&S scales for stopping someone, but it obviously didn't stop the officer.

1st, thank god the officer is OK.

2nd, this goes to show you that you better have the right tool for the job. Shooting an AK from inside a car behind the wheel is not an easy thing I would assume.

Other than that, give me the rifle, AK, SKS, AR any day over a handgun if I am at my house and something goes down. There really is no comparison of a rifle cartridge compared to a handgun round, shot placement is everything.

1 9mm round to the chest would end it most of the time but you can take a few rounds of 762X39 in the leg and keep on going.

As far as balistics between the two go,,,nooooooooo comparison.

First, I too am thankful of the job our LEO's do for us every day. Thank God that he is OK.

Now, couple'a questions...

1. Wouldn't the body armour that Officer Cook was wearing slow the 7.62x39 a bit, causing it to be "less effective" on the Fackler & Sanow charts?

2. Given that most 7.62x39 ammo that civies, and especially low-budget bad guys have, is FMJ? Wouldn't that again give some additional benefit to the couragous officer firing JHP's?

Don't get me wrong, I KNOW that the AK is still technically an advantage over any handgun, but as for survivability, I just wanted to pose these two questions.

Thank you in advance for not flaming the bejeezes out of me. :)

I'm sure that the 7.62 x 39 FMJ would zip right through a vest at that range... even with an FMJ, the wound profile of that round is pretty nasty.

Interesting, weren't AKs outlawed in Hawaii before 1994?
The moral of the story?

Stay In The Fight!

Officer Cook obviously decided that it was not his day to die, and kept fighting.

Brave man.
Lets hear it for the training!

Lets not forget, that training may have played a major role. Some criminal versus a well trained policeman, the odds have got to be on the better trained person.

This is also another example of how having more than 10 shots could be a necessity. Imagine if that "ICE"d out punk had entered someones home?

One less waste of space out of the way!
I agree that the source of the photo isnt exactly sound. But after i researced the story and found it to be true i decided to post it. I think the website that found this to be funny didnt mean the situation as a whole, but funny that a criminal with a high powered rifle gets taken down by an officer with a handgun. I dont find it funny, but amazing and im thankful things turned out the way they did. I surely hope im never in that same situation.
I'm surprised that there's no visible blood on the ground where Officer Cook is seen in the photo. Unfortunately, the link on his home page wasn't working so I couldn't download his story to find out where he was hit.

That was some outstanding shooting -- 15 out of 18, plus reloading under fire!

I suppose I should also begin the mandatory "stopping power" argument by pointing out that there are no visible exit wounds in the bad guy's back.
I suppose I should also begin the mandatory "stopping power" argument by pointing out that there are no visible exit wounds in the bad guy's back.
Which would signify what, exactly? I wasn't aware that the skin of the goblin's far side was an important target to damage.

Also, there appear to be exit wounds in the detail photo at the web page.

As it points out, at one point the officer is lying on his back, wounded, still firing and scoring hits, while the geeked-up bad guy was leaning out the window, already with his lower spinal cord severed, and firing the AK one-handed.

Neither of those guys was going down easy.
Never assume the foe will.
Keep shooting: Stay In The Fight.
You don't get money for the ammunition you have left.