Handgun Turned In During Buyback Shows Up in Police Shooting

Why is it news, NOW??

If I'm reading it correctly, the city just settled for 3.5 Million to prevent the suit going forward. Pretty expensive "buy back" it seems to me.
There is an ongoing investigation here in PA of buy back guns being found on someone with a criminal history (meaning the person/persons it was found on wasn't legally allowed to have a firearm).
Thus far 5 guns have shown up that were marked as destroyed.

The police force involved is obviously trying to keep this quiet. :rolleyes:
This is why I would never turn any guns in.

If I needed money fast, then I'd sell it to a pawn shop. If worse came to worst and my firearm was illegalized, then I'd honestly sooner deactivate it than turn it in.
Yeah, it's not a buy BACK!

Well, apart from the other details of this story the point that it's not really a buy back is a good one. We don't buy our firearms from the government.

Life is good.
Prof Young
A plant is an obvious explanation.

I've heard of collectors going to buyback programs and offering more than the buyback amount for certain collectible guns. In a state where face to face transfers are legal, if you're not selling your gun to the police who knows who is actually buying them. Maybe this guy sold it to someone he thought was the police.
Consider this, if you "turn in" (sell) a gun to a "buyback" program, do you get a sworn statement that the gun will be destroyed??

Because, literally once its "theirs" they can do anything they want with it, and aren't responsible to anyone but their program supervisors.

I imagine more than a few good guns get turned in, and then "walk" out of the melt pile (if they even get there in the first place).

Now, in this case, it sure looks like the cop involved kept it for himself, and later used it as a drop gun to cover what was probably a criminal shooting.

Can't say for sure, but it looks like it from here...
Years ago all the heroin seized in the French Connection case in NYC ended up being resold.
Yes, a drop or a plant.