Handgun to AK, through Canada?


New member
I've heard tell now that Canada will not permit handguns across the border at all, even taken apart, cased, sealed, etc. Does anyone know for sure?

Considering this possibilty for drive up the Alaska highway.
I would'nt fart in Kanada. No offense to the many great pro gun decent people there. Probably the most beautiful Country on earth with so much great hunting, but I'd cut my hand off first.

From my cold dead hands.

If you are planning a trip up the AlCan I suggest you get the latest copy of "The Mile Post". It is a map book for the AlCan that gives you "stops" (gas stations, eateries, hotels, scenic views, photo ops, etc) along the entire Hwy. (i.e. 675.8 Photo Op of Frozen American Southerner, 1549.3 Scenic View of Big Cold Fastrunning River Valley). Don't go up the AlCan with out one!

As for handguns... If I remember right they are a big No No.. as is handgun ammo. It gives you a overview of Canadian Regs in The Mile Post. However, you should also call the Government Entity that regulates that and get a copy of their booklet on Firearms that are allowed. They have three (last time I came down the AlCan) classes - Prohibited, Restricted, Allowed. The booklet explains each catagory and also lists firearm makes attached to Prohibited & Restricted catagories.

I would also bring that booklet with you when you trave in Canada. It came in extreamly hand when I crossed. The Border Guard told me that 10 round magizines for my rifle were Prohibited. I had to pull out the book and explain that they were not listed in there, and that had they been I wouldn't have brought them. He let me slide.

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited January 02, 2000).]
As an Alaskan who has to drive thru the PRC occasionally, I can tell you that transporting handguns, semi-automatic rifles and "large capacity" mags are verbotten even for transport through the worker's paradise. Evidently the canadian government is trying to cut down on the drive-by shootings in Beaver Creek, Yukon Territory.

Contacting the canadian gubment for info on what is legal this week is a good idea. A word of warning: I've had much more trouble with the U.S. Border Patrol than with the canadians, so be ready for a car search, especially if you're a long-hair bearded hippy-looking guy (like me) or if you're DWB.

"In many ways we are treated quite like men." Erich Maria Remarque
A friend of mine, while waiting in a line of cars half a mile long at the US/Can border remembered he had to get his pistol out of his car. He gave up his place in line to return to the nearest gun shipper. When he finally made it back to the border check the female border gestapo saw an empty 7rnd mag he had forgot to ship with the gun... thus began the worst day of his life.

I didn't take any chances and left my arsenal behind when I moved up here. Though I speculated that any Canadian border agent that stumbled across one of my evil black guns would likely drop to the ground with cardiac arrest and I could drive through uncontested. As it turned out they never even asked.

Ipecac: would DWB be the offense AKA "driving while black"? That's hilarious. Probable cause by profile, eh?

[This message has been edited by Jordan (edited January 02, 2000).]
The call of the wild? If the cannuks stop an american citizen en route to an american state from exercising a fundamental right, then Canada is Russia is Iraq. Seal the damn borders. Keep every half plated canadian peso upstairs. If they wander down south and aren't promptly tatooed, at least brand em and send em back to the Great White North with a good ass whippin and the concept that americans are FREE. The ALKAN HWY would not exist without the AMERICAN participation.
Want a real Canadian experience to tell the grandkids? Try to go across with an NRA sticker on your car.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
G Freeman, I am originally from Canada and that is a bit of an ignorant comment. Most ordinary Canadians (those outside Quebeck, Ontario and Vancouver) have had it up to their ears with the government. The majority of Canadians are not anti-gun, in fact the per capita ownership of guns is nearly as high in Canada as it is in the US. It was the heavy hand of the government, not the people, that decided to turn a third of the population into felons. I am not sure what your experience with Canadians is but it is not fair to falsely characterize an entire country (larger than the US) based on some limited experience with a particular city or region. Doing so would be like concluding, after a trip to New York, that all Americans are commies and should be burned at the stake. Just as in the US, there are liberal regions and conservative regions. I came from Alberta (one of the provinces that took the feds to court over the gun bans), which is every bit as redneck and conservative as it is here in Texas. Don't try tatooing any Canadians any time soon because they might just give you one helluva surprise. Heck, I'm even a member of the NRA and SAF....seems like you don't know your enemies from your allies.
Piggy, you are absolutely right! Go up the Alcan when it is best (January or February) a big beautiful frozen superhighway with tunnel banks. Lock your guns in a chest in the back of your rig, enter Canada in Alberta (along the border near Glacier Park is a good spot). Unless you look like you should be searched they will usually leave you alone. Ditto for the Alaskan border. At 30 below noboby borthers you! Don't forget your plugin engine heater or you won't be moving in the morning!