Handgun Storage


New member
Does anyone have any recommendations for storing handguns in an environment that won't promote corrosion? I don't want them sitting out in the open getting dusty. I know a lot of people are opposed to open cell foam cases. Are they okay if I put the handgun inside a silicone bore sock first and then put the sock in the case?

I live in an A/C controlled, dry climate.
Light coat of oil on all metal surfaces, silicone impregnated gun sock, and into factory case in a climate controlled environment should be good to go. Open and inspect every 6 months and apply another light coat of oil if needed.
I would not use a foam case for storage but I will use them for temporary transport. When stored indoors, most home HVAC systems will maintain a fairly stable environment where moisture is typically below what is necessary to rust quickly. Of course there are places like cellars, basements and laundry rooms which are generally ill suited for firearms storage ( due to moisture). I keep my firearms in a safe (in the closet) and I inspect and oil them regularly. I do have a can of desiccant in the bottom that I do change every 6 months. I have never had any issue at all with rust and I live in the humid south. Even the shotgun I have behind the bedroom door has never rusted in 25 years.

Firearms can and do rust (even indoors) but if you make a reasonable effort to care for them, it typically does not have to be anything on a grand scale. I know that my personal storage routine is rather conservative at best. I dont try all that hard and I dont worry about it. If they were outdoors in a tack room or trunk of a vehicle 24/7 then yeah, I would be more concerned.
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I checked to find out what museums did to avoid rust on their firearms,
they use a museum wax with a lot of Carnauba
So I tried car wax with Carnauba and no polishing compound
All my guns have been disassembled and waxed ( 2 coats )
It even works with my carry gun when I and it get wet in the rain,
I just dry it off when I get home and NO RUST !!

If I need to transport one in a foam lined case I put the gun in a
freezer bag or Seal A Meal bag for long guns so the gun is not in contact
with the foam that holds the stuff that can harm the metal

Long term storage - the bag is sealed with a moisture absorbing disk
or tab in the bag ( I found them at Brownel's )
My guns go in here when I'm not using them:

Before I got my house this gun locker went with me to various apartments:

Some are cased some are not.
Silicone Impregnated Gun Socks work pretty good for long term storage.
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