Handgun scopes, are they worth it??


New member
Thinking about buying a Simmons 2 X 32 for my .44 mag. Raging Bull, but my main concern is light. Will it help my aiming it low light like a rifle scope will? Using my rifle scope, I can pull my hat down low to block out the horizons light and concentrate on looking through the scope. I've never used a handgun scope and I know you are supposed to keep both eyes open and your holding the scope about 16 inches away so you cannot block out the unwanted light. Will this benifit inlow light, or should I just do something with my iron sights?
I've not fired a scoped handgun but a few times; but, a couple of points:

I've never noticed horizon light being a problem with a scoped rifle, mostly because I set up to have the sun behind me (or well to the side) in early morning or late evening.

"Both eyes open" is certainly good when acquiring the target. Once on target, I've never seen any particular benefit...

Overall, a scope will always be helpful in low light conditions.

I have a Simmons 2X scope on my Super Redhawk and it really makes a noticible difference for me over open sights especially at longer distances. I seem to be more accurate with the use of the scope over open sights.

I have a Bushnell 2x6 on my SRH......and its a little different than a rifle scope. Yes, any scope will help "draw in" light, but with a pistol scope, you are usually holding it at arms length, instead of right at your eye like a rifle scope. Its just a little something that you have to get used to.
Pistol Scopes.

i bought a Burris 2 +7 for my Savage Stricker. Good optics, well worth the $$$ i paid.

Low light help? Some.

I have found the the biggest benefit that I have found with handgun scopes are that you have a better, more refinded aiming point. That big ole iron front site covers a lot of deer at 50 yrds. But then I have went to using a dot site instead. IMHO they give you a better aiming point with unlimited field of view.