Handgun requirements?


New member
I'm considering going down to get a
concealed handgun permit (Texas) and
had a few questions to start off with.

1) Just to own a hand gun that you keep in
your home, is it supposed to be registered
somewhere (a family member left it
to me when they passed away)

2) When getting a concealed handgun
permit, do they finger print all fingers
or just the right thumb like when getting
drivers license renewal?

3) I don't have any criminal history at
all, but am I right to assume they will
make me pay for my own background check?
(or, is this included in the signup cost)

4) Anybody know about what it costs
to get a concealed handgun permit in Texas?

I grew up doing alot of deer hunting and
a little bird hunting, so I'm very fimiliar with
shooting, even though I don't get a chance
to do much hunting anymore.

I'm more interested these days in exercising
my right to protect myself with handguns
which is why I'm considering obtaining a
concealed hand gun permit here in Texas.

1. If you can legally own a gun; over age of 18, no criminal historyetc. you do not need a permit to keep a firearm on your own premises.

2. All fingers are finger-printed on both hands and submitted to both the FBI and to your county for background checks and registration.

3. Exactly. Take it or leave it.

3. The DPS process costs ~$140. The CHL class is between $100-$200 + a box of ammo for qualification. The CHL course does NOT cover any shooting training so you need to be able safely handle handguns and properly hit the target. If you have never shot handguns before you'll not pass.
Oh, I have years of handling all types of firearms accurately and safely so that's not an issue.

But, I'd rather not signup with the government as a gun owner if it requires my finger prints to be given to all government agencies to be co-mingled with criminals.

There seems to be more and more government agencies and officials that believe gun owners are criminals. Registering as a gun owner seems like getting on a list for the government to know who to take guns from when the time comes...and I'm thinking it will eventually come.

I think I'll just keep my firearms in my home, and that's it.
I understand your concerns. However I think it is the other way around: they try to make sure criminals are not gun owners (at least legally).

However I think much more should be done to disarm criminals on the streets.
However I think much more should be done to disarm criminals on the streets
How are they going to do that?
They have to have a reason to search people.

Seems like the best way to counter criminals having guns is for law abiding citizens to have guns and start shooting back.

Then, criminals will have self doubt in their minds when they go do crime because they will be wondering if they are going to get killed.
But, I'd rather not signup with the government as a gun owner if it requires my finger prints to be given to all government agencies to be co-mingled with criminals.

I have got sad news for you. There is something called the NCIC (FBI) crime data base. If you have a drivers license number you are in that data base. When any LEO stops you and gets your license number he can retrieve in less than a minute about 27 pieces of info. This includes your past records, address, SS#, birth info, etc. Finger prints are just one more addition to the data base.

It has become national standard practice for any LEO to retrieve this info even when stopping for a minor issue. This is a safety action by the officer so that dispatchers know who he stopped if any problems arise. So, you know when the officer walks up to your window and asks for ID. The fact is he has already called in your car license number and knows the life history of the owner of that number. So, then he only has to check to see if you match that history.
While that may be true, it's finger prints and DNA that is used primarily to accuse people of crime.

I really don't trust their organizational skills as it would be easy for their system to get you mixed up with a criminal in the system. Course, I'm probably just being paranoid.

Probably the primary thing I don't like is they would have you listed as a gun owner if you got the concealed handgun permit.

As it stands now, they have no clue that I have any guns because I've never purchased any guns from gun shops or anywhere that would require record keeping. And, when I buy ammo it's always with cash!
While that may be true, it's finger prints and DNA that is used primarily to accuse people of crime.

Usually it has worked that this clears you of a crime, but I admit there are no guarantees. Anyway, I was finger printed when I served in the military, so I guess I just don't worry that much...they already have my prints. But I do understand not wanting to give the Feds any more information than they need.
The best way to know whether you are a clean backgound citizen or not is obtaining a CCW license.
Finger print is not a problem if you are a good US citizen and should not be worry about it because goverment have your record anyway (no one can fool Goverment).
Only "crime" is afraid of background check.
I recommend you should have a gun carry lisence.
You will feel a lot different and will have more confidence when you are going out either alone, with friends or family.
Being armed legally is great.
Only "crime" is afraid of background check.
The only crime I was ever involved with was minor infractions as a kid. I've never been arrested, or otherwise in any trouble past 17 years old so a background check wouldn't be a problem.

Liberals coming into power and passing laws to disarm me WOULD be a problem because if I'm a register gun owner, they will come calling.

As it stands now, they wouldn't come calling cause they have no record of me having any guns at all.

If they tried to disarm America, do you guys think there would be alot of shootouts???
I know there would be at my house.