Handgun kneeling position - help please


New member
I am trying to improve my handgun shooting from the kneeling position. As I understand it, this should be more stable than barricade or offhand, and yet my targets from the knee look like shotgun patterns.

I am a right handed shooter. I drop my right knee to the ground and sort of sit on the heel of my right foot. I place my triceps on top of my left knee and extend the pistol forward. And I move all over hell. Oh yeah, I'm not very flexible.

Can anyone recommend a more stable position, or offer tips to improve this one?

Whether I go to one or both knees I fire all shots two-handed unsupported.

Sight alignment trigger control.....
If time is not too much of issue then try this.

It's a method that was taught to a group of us, some have used it to excellent effect others like myself find it doesn't harm or improve....

Same basic position, Instead of sitting on your foot sit on the ground, While holding your handgun with both hands put your hands over your knee and lock your wrists into the front of your kneecap. It seems to provide a firm support.

Try it and see.

I find I tend to not support my arms when kneeling, I sit the same way you do, only I don't rest my arm. If time and long grass are not an issue then I prefer to go prone. I find this very accurate indeed.

Have fun,
I guess that my next move will be to get to the range and try it unsupported. I think it is the arm resting on the knee that is causing all my trouble. It would seem though, that if I can shoot a nice tight group standing unsupported, I should be able to shoot a better group resting my arm on my knee. It just doesn't work for me.

Thanks for your comments.
I have similar problems from sitting, kneeling and baracade. Just never have gotten the hang of baracade. I resolved problems with prone just this weekend and am shooting as well there as off the bags (just butt of hands on bag, not the barrel).
Actually, having your joints in contact (elbow to knee) will cause you to be LESS accurate than shooting unsupported. Try offsetting your elbow slightly up your thigh (a couple of inches) from your knee from the same kneeling position.

If that doesn't work, try dropping both knees to the ground and shoot unsupported.
One of the key factors in shooting the kneeling position
is to keep your elbow off the knee. Most shooters extend
the elbow ( that hold the gun )over the knee with the flat of the arm above the elbow resting on the center of the knee. If your not flexible enough to fire this way, many shooters kneel on two knees and fire an isosocles position.
( butt on heels-back straight-arms straight ) The key here
is to take as much bend out of the arms without getting
carried away. Also a slight ( slight! ) downward angle of the head helps to overcome recoil flex.