Handgun Hunting Strength Training?


New member
Hi there.

Anyone have recommendations for strength training for serious handgun hunting? I have a 12" Encore .41 Mag. It's a heavy gun, so I get tired shooting it any way other than from a rest. Granted, I know I will only be firing one shot at a deer, but I know my form would be better and I'd have better confidence if I had better strength.

Do you watch TV? Hunt it. A lot of dry fire practice at the boob tube will help build the muscles in your arms.

A lot of people like to hunt certain letters (Such as "O"s), and others will stalk characters until they say a given word. Whatever it takes to make it fun for you.
are you talking about shooting the encore off hand? are you using a scope?
I have a T/C contender with a 14 inch 41 mag and a 2X leupold ( I have a 357 max set up the same way) and I wouldn't even think about taking an offhand shot with it. in my opinion this handgun should be shot supported in some manner.
Ben, that's great idea. I'm going to give that...err...a shot. haha

Steveno, my .41 has a Bushnell Holosight mounted on it. I would probably go your route with 2x Leupold, but I happen to have a spare Holosight and no money in the scope budget. You make a good point about shooting off hand. I would like to be able to hit an eight-inch square at 50 yards off-hand if the situation requires, but I'm not sure if its realistic. I've only shot off-hand at 25 yards with this Encore between getting the it on paper and following Virgin Valley's break-in procedure. I'm pretty competent with handguns but there's many better than me, so I really don't know if I can do it. If it makes a difference, I can hit a three-inch square offhand at 25 yards no problem when I'm fresh. After shooting for a while, fatique definitely causes a flyer now and then. The thing is a brick, so I can't shoot it for long. haha

Ideally, I'm going to use something like a shooting stick or a natural rest in the field, but I just feel like I should be proficient offhand out to 50 yards if I'm presented with less than ideal circumstances.
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Get a 12 inch piece of broom stick and tie a piece of rope about 4' long to it, on the other end or the rope tie on a weight, start with 1 or 2 pounds. Hold your arms out straight in front of you, Broomstick in your hands, one on each end palm down, and roll the broomhandle untill the weight is to the top and slowly unroll it.

Then hold the handle with your palms up and do it again.

If to easy add weight.

Really, what you want is strength in the frontal deltoid as it's the muscle most responsible for raising the arm vertically. Start with light frontal dumbbell raises with your hands in shooting position. Raise bells from your side to shoulder level. I'd start off with whatever weight you can do two or three sets of 12 reps with and still use good form. Forearm work is more for gripping strength. If no bells, you can use red bricks, large pork and bean cans, large juice cans, etc. Good luck and I like your choice in caliber. You get to where you want a little more horsepower, Gary Reeder can ream your chamber to .410GNR which is a necked down .454Casull case. ;)
Plastic gallon water jugs (full of course) might make a handy makeshift weight; just hold the handles like a pistolgrip. Those sprung grip exercizers are good for improving grip strength and stamina when they are used properly.
Good advice, everyone. I'll give them all a try, and we'll see how it affects my shooting. .41 Man, I've read about the .410 GNR here and there on the Internet. Does it really rattle your teeth? All in all, I've been pretty happy with the .41 Mag so far. (This is my first one, and it really suits me well.)