Handgun choice

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I have 3 guns - S&W Bodyguard 2'' .38 Spl+P, HK USP 9 mm Compact and SIG 220 .45ACP. If for some reasons I have to keep only two of these, what would be your choice?

Thank you in advance

The SIG P220 because it is the best gun for self defence because of its .45ACP cartridge. The S&W Bodyguard because it is small enoigh to be carried concealed even in summer clothing and would also be effective in the backup gun role. The HK 9mm is an excellent pistol, but it is inferior in either rple.
Hmmm... I would keep the USP 9mm compact and the Sig 220... Here are my reasons... I would choose the USP over the S&W for conceal carry. I just feel that it would be the better choice for that type of work - more durable/rust resistant gun, better caliber, in my opinion, and more comfortable to shoot, also in my opinion. If you can't conceal carry, but just want a small gun, I would still choose the USP - cheaper ammo, easier to maintain, more durable.

I would keep the Sig 220 since that would seem like the most accurate and most refined gun of the three, in my opinion of course! Plus I feel the Sig can be a better home defense gun or target shooter than the other two guns listed...
Lose the round gun. You already got a compact in a more energetic caliber.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Keep the USP and the Bodyguard. Three reasons: first - both are superb pistols. Second - the USP can be fitted with a Universal Tactical Light for home use or by itself for carry (less bulk, more hiding places), while the Bodyguard can be kept in a bellly band or an ankle holster for deep concealment. Third- Be grateful you have those two weapons because I am green with envy! As for the Sig, well..... :(
1. The SIG P220, IMHO the best out of the box DA/SA pistol available!

2. The S&W revolver. You can keep it loaded at ALL times without worrying about MAG wear and tear that is an issue with semi-autos. You can shoot it in places semi-autos can't be used efficiently. (i.e. coat pockets, underneath bed sheets, etc ;)

My $00.02...

Lose the 9mm. Contrary to popular belief the 9 is weaker than .38 in +P loading and makes a smaller hole. And expands less reliably because for an auto to feed right the nose can't have a very large hollowpoint. PS you could trade up to a .357 snub from Ruger ,Taurus, Smith etc. Here in Montana the cops (like me) almost all have given up 9mms. I guess they still shoot 9mms back east.
Greetings; Why not fight to keep all three?
All are excellent firearms; but the P220A
would come first and foremost. Second, the
H&K would be also practically feasible;
especially if you have hi-cap magazines.
I can conceal either as well as the body-
guard. After all, I have been betting my
life on a P220A in .45ACP since 1988; why
change now?

Ala Dan
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