Excellent suggestion to check out lower cost products. Since this is your first post, earthskater, and it is in effect an ad hawking a product, I am leery of the advice however. It's just good practice to question that sort of thing, when the very first post by a new member is to sell a product. No offense is intended
Low cost is always good. But low cost+oils and solvents used in firearms may spell disaster.
Pelican for example uses closed cell polyethylene foam. I am not a plastics engineer but I know something about plastics, and there's a huge spectrum of plastic foam to avoid using when in contact with a gun. Here's a bit from a discussion I had a while back about the foam Pelican uses in these cases, in regards to guns:
"But as mentioned however, this is closed cell, not open cell. The US military really does use exactly this line of cases to transport equipment including firearms around the world- I am involved in part of that process actually. In addition "foam" is a very broad term describing an incredible range of plastics with various properties
Typically, polyethylene is not considered bio-degradable as it takes centuries to break down and does not dissolve at room temperatures. The melting point of this stuff is probably around 200 F. There are of course many types of polyethylene. Oils should not harm it. Things like toluene and benzene can, but you should stay away from toluene and benzene anyway"
I only mention this a a precaution, as most folks see "inexpensive" and think "GREAT!". Exercise caution here folks, know what you're buying and why unless you want a gooey mess to potentially bond itself to your gun