Hand gun safe


New member
I am looking for a decent hand gun safe for around 200 dollars can any one help me out. i have seen one that has buttons on top that represent each of your 5 fingers and you touch little buttons to open the safe. this looked unique. Any suggestions?
ps it has to hold 2 firearms

when the govenment comes for you weapons, give them the ammo first.
AOL IM name: heathersman40
I've got one of those. It's made by GunVault. While the steel is heavy enough, the locking mechanism won't win much praise and it can be forced open with a screwdriver. Dillon Products sells it.

I prefer Palmer Security Products drop box which is made of 3/16" steel, has a five button simplex lock, and costs around $120. Yes, it'll hold two guns.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Glockman, check out R&D Enterprises's Handgun Box at http://www.handgunsafe.com

It received very favorable reviews in a Gun Test article putting it head-to-head against some other fast-access boxes. No batteries to die on you at the wrong moment either.


Justin T. Huang, Esq.
late of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
I highly recommend the R&D Handgun Safe listed above. I have one and have been very please. No battery operated locks or anything to fail when the juice runs out.

Hardcore, simple, functional. I think it's the ideal unit to have under the bed for quick access. They also have a wall mounted unit that I'd like to get.
I registered just to reply to your post...
I had just the "safe" you mention. When my house was broken into, it was ripped out of the floor, along with a Glock 19 and Walther that were inside. The things that were not taken were those that were not seen. If you want the BEST place for a gun or two or more... go to "furniturewithasecret.com". These tables are great and you will not believe the quality.