Hand gun laws in Iowa and Minnesota


New member
Hello Everyone

If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear. I just found out I'll be driving to Minnesota next week and I'm wondering how I can transport my hand gun legally in those states. I have a Florida CWL which is not honored in Iowa or Minnesota. I suspect I'll be required to unload the gun and store it separately from the ammo. Does anyone have any knowledge of the law in those states. Any help would be appreciated.


not going to help much... but as a Minnesota resident with a CCW, who lives very close to the Iowa border... I really have to watch what I'm doing... in the past, Iowa has been very "anti handgun" not even offering any CCW's... but I've heard that after the 1st of the year, they will accept MN's permits... which I really hope is true... Wisconsin is just as bad, with nothing rumored as to getting any better...

best when traveling through states that don't allow, to case the weapon & ammo in seperate cases... I used to have an eye glass case that would hold my 357 mag speed loaders, or an autoloader magazine, that I kept ammo in, & a zippered handgun bag I kept the gun in, & put both in my arm rest of the truck when traveling... obviously not as good as carrying, but still pretty quick to put into service if needed ( as long as I was in my truck :( )
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in the past, Iowa has been very "anti handgun" not even offering any CCW's... but I've heard that after the 1st of the year, they will accept MN's permits... which I really hope is true... Wisconsin is just as bad, with nothing rumored as to getting any better...

Iowa is now "Shall Issue" and starting 1/1/11, will recognize other state's pemits. I wish Minnesota would recognize Nebraska's...

As for Wisconsin, they don't allow CCW at all, and are busy harassing folks that OC..... I'd call that worse than IA....
Iowa is now "Shall Issue" and starting 1/1/11, will recognize other state's pemits.
What took these Iowa communists so long to come around? Haven't they ever read the second ammendment?
Iowa has come around ...

..... be happy for them. Now if we can get the Fudds of Wisconsin and the denizens of Mordor/Daleystan to straighten up and fly right ....
Get a Utah non-resident permit. They honor that.
Negative as curretnly, Iowa will not honor and other state's permits. However, about eleven states will honor Iowa. In Iowa as well as Minnesota. and Wisconsin You can "transport" unloaded in a secured case. It use to say, hard case but that has changed. You can also carry while in the process of hunting and target shooting. Even though clear enough, there is always confusion in understanding the difference between transporting and carrying. Many changes coming in January and it's quite remarkable. The Iowa-Carry folks as well as others, have done a great service.
What took these Iowa communists so long to come around? Haven't they ever read the second ammendment?
You need to qualify who is "They" ?
Some county Sherrifs were obliged to ignor such things and now will have no choice but follow the new laws. Before you start picking on Iowa, take a good look at Illinoise.

Be Saffe !!!
take a good look at Illinoise.

not even offering any CCW's

Iowa has had ccw longer than a lot of states, problem was it was a may issue not a shall issue, the sheriff could deny any permit for whatever reason, now they must follow a stricter guideline.

Iowa and Nebraska do not recip with states that has standards that are not as same as theirs IE class and range etc.

EDIT: my neighbor just took the class, did the range and got his, it is good for one year, next year he renews for the longer term without range and class time. Isnt hard at all to get one in some counties.
Handgun Laws in Iowa and Minnisota

Thanks all for the valuable info. I was hoping I would hear from local area residents. I'm going to play it safe and make a stop before the Iowa border, unload my handgun, case it and store it in the rear compartment and I'll store the ammo in the front with me. I do have one other concern. If pulled over by the police should I advise him or her of my weapon??

Thanks again

If pulled over by the police should I advise him or her of my weapon??

Follow the laws and you shouldnt get pulled over :) no I wouldnt say anything, lock gun in trunk. What about the other states you may travel thru? Stay out of Ill for sure...
If pulled over by the police should I advise him or her of my weapon??
No Sir, in Iowa, you are not required to volunteer this information, only at the request of the LEO. That is basically how the law reads and that only pertains to CCW. In other words, the LEO will probably not ask you if you are "Transporting" any firearms. Now, pertaining to an Iowa resident with CCW Permit, you are required to show your permit "On Request" from the LEO. Again, this might change next January.

It is a courtesy for an Iowa resident to volunteer this information when first approached but not required at this time. Only when asked! Better advice would be not do anythng to get pulled over. .... ;)

Please note that I am mostly speaking for Iowa !!! ... ;)

Be Safe !!!
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My wife and I drove from Texas to Illinois two summers ago to visit her family ... no, I don't know why they live there ... I took a hard case and padlock and when we hit Iowa, I unloaded the gun and locked it away ... glad to hear Iowa's coming into the 21st Century, but I have no illusions about IL joining any time soon ...