Hand, feet, and head camouflauge

Most of us would probably recommend boots, gloves, and a hat. :) If you will be a little more specific as to what you want to hunt I am sure you will get plenty of input.
Stallion, Check out wal-mart for cotton camo gloves or just plain brown.
Any hat depending on the weather, something with a face shield would be good as long as it doesn't obstruct your shooting vision. Rubber boots are 15 bucks at wal-mart and you are set.
(we were talking camo on another thread)
Be sure if it is cold to dress in something you will be able to sit still in. Good hunters always wear layers. You can take them off or add them as the weather changes. Be warm first and then be camo.
Cold weather? A wool watch cap; you can still hear when it's pulled down over your ears. Pulled down toward your evebrows, and the shine of your forehead is covered. If it's not real cold, a drab-colored Gimme Cap.

I'm a walking hunter, mostly, so if it's dry, I stay with my Russell Birdhunters or my RedWing 20-mile leather boots. Plain crepe soles; no "waffle-stomper" tread. Wet? Mostly I hunt the campfire. :)

For sitting, I've found that an old seat pad and an "army blanket" in olive drab makes for comfort. Cushions my delicate toosh. I wrap the blanket around my legs, and I don't have to wear a bunch of thick undies that would get hot while walking. A light day-pack is good for carrying all this comfort around...

:), Art
Two old geezers who live and hunt in my area NEVER wear camo and tend to make fun of everyone who does.
They also have a very annoying habit of takeing a good buck almost every season.
I'd be alot more concerned about movement (the lack of to be more specific). Stillness/stelthness/quietness is the key for most all successful hunting situations.

Turkeys are the only thing that I've seen spook from exposed skin with no movement.
For deer hunting there is no doubt that under normal conditions immobility is your best ally. Sometimes I think they can see blaze orange though. It seems to happen on bright days with no snow cover. I have had many deer come by with in 30 feet or less as I sat up against a tree or stump. With the wind in my favor they never new I was there.

From personal experience, when the leaves are down and brown there is no camo better than Carhart brown duck. Too bad its so noisy
Ok now, Brown Duck, THIS IS NOT TAN CARHART!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not wear anything tan into the deer woods. The more you make yourself resemble a deer the more you will be looked at thru scopes. Carhart coats are great coats but please put something over them.
If other hunters are using your hunting area with rifles, wear blaze orange. Do not wear a Carhart coat or bibs without Plenty of Blaze Orange.
Desertfox, one thing I like about the Texas style of leased-land hunting is that everybody knows--or is supposed to know--where the other guys are hunting.

We had a topo map of the ranch on a corkboard at the huntshack. Pins--"flags"--with each guy's name. The night before, we'd put a pin on where we'd do a daylight sit. Folks would work out who'd meet whom, where, for walking hunts after full daylight.

Yeah, some Doofi do use a scope to look at a "What's that?" instead of binoculars. Not our bunch.

Part of the hunting deal is--and always has been--to have some clue about the sort of folks who'll be around you. I've always made it a point in wide-open country to know where other camps are, and how the folks hunt. Ride? Walk? Sit? That's helped me make it to my decrepit years. :)

I have been looked at in Texas thru a scope or two, I have no doubt. I have seen more orange in the woods than green. It is a hair raising experience when you go in early and there are 2 trucks on the side of the road all the way in and when you come out you count over 300.
Caddo National Grasslands-Day after Thanksgiving.
Toledo Bend - the very next weekend
etc. etc.
What I am trying to say is, not everyone has a private lease where they know everyone for life. Some people hunt public land or Type II land.
In that case, you should never wear anything the color of deer or it may get shot at. The Type II regulations will be to wear head and chest orange.
Also, people hunt differently. Anyone that picks a location and trys to be still and hunt has had that good ole boy trod thru "still hunting" wearing his work boots and smelling of last nights beer. So, if he is out there with a rifle and you are hiding in your tan carhart bibs, you have one strike against you and the pitcher is throwing heat.
In the 1930s and 1940s around Austin, Texas, lived way-rural poor folks who made a sort of a living cutting cedar fence posts and making charcoal. They would quit deer hunting when the season opened. Too dangerous to be out there in the woods, in their opinion. All those city folks...

Buddy of mine up in Ny state had an old red/brown tarp over his tractor parked in a bit of brush on his land ( posted too) had it shot four times in two days with 12g slugs, took the tarp off, said the weather was less harmful!