Hammered pistol always cocked; any harm?


New member
I carry a colt dective special in the cocked and locked(safety on) mode in an alessi pocket holster. Will the sear or other internal hammer springs suffer adverse effects over the long term due to the hammer being always cocked?
Umm, as far a I can remember, the Colt Detective Special is a double-action revolver. There IS no manual safety. If you are really carrying a cocked DA revolver in your pocket, it's a gonadectomy waiting to happen.

If I am wrong about which gun you have, please clarify. If I am right, please decock the revolver and seek instruction on the manual of arms for this weapon.
Wow! You carry a double action wheelgun cocked? Did your CCW instructor tell you this was OK? If he did, then he needs his liscence revoked. And nowhere in the manual will it say to carry a revolver cocked. First of all, the weapon is only safe when the hammer is down. You should immediatelly stop what you are doing, and take a basic handgun class before we are all reading about your negligent discharge.
I hope that you ment that you are carrying a Colt DEFENDER NOT DETECTIVE. If you are carrying a detective cocked, STOP!!
If it is a Defender then it will not hurt the gun in any way to carry it cocked and locked.
I wouldn't carry any double action handgun cocked. If you carry cocked, you don't need double action.
Oops, I meant to say colt mustang sorry for the mix-up(I own both) I was very tired when I posted this. So how about the colt mustang.

By the way I got a great laugh out of the responses.