hammer bite from hammer spring?


New member
When I first got my Ruger P-97 I really liked it. Accurate and easy to shoot well,what wasn`t to like? Then for some reason the hammer started hitting the web of my hand just enough to sting it a little every few rounds. After a few mags. I`d develop a big red welt on my hand and it goes without saying that my accuracy with it really dropped off. I`d just changed from a Hogue grip sleeve to skateboard tape, I thought somehow that might be the prob. I switched back and it persisted. I changed my grip to a very low strong hand thumb and it got better but still did it from time to time. Then it occured to me that it started happening soon after I installed a Wolff reduced power hammer spring to lighten the trigger pull a bit. If I recall it was only 2lbs. lighter but is it possible that the difference let the hammer fly back a little bit farther, just enough to nip my hand? When I fully cock the hammer it`s a good distance from my hand but it`ll come farther back if pulled until it just barely touches. If I can`t solve the problem I`m gonna have to trade this thing in. I hate like heck to do it though,just last weekend I fired a rested 5 shot group measuring under 2" at 25yds with 230gr.Hydrashoks. Then I tried it offhand and got a 3" group,then it started biting me and they were all over the place after that. :( FWIW I changed the spring back tonight but it may be a week or more before I get the chance to try it again. Marcus
Hmmm, you put in a new, non-factory part and the gun no longer functions quite right for you. So you are considering trading in the gun?!?! Let us not be hasty here.

Any time you go to lighter springs, you reduce the amount of force applied to the affected parts of the gun, which will effect how that gun operates. I will bet the new spring is a factor in your problem. Before you trade the gun, put the old spring back and test it.
Like I said above I`d forgotten I put it in. It was such a slight reduction in power (2lbs.) I didn`t give it a thought until last night. The original spring is already back in and ready to test fire. I`m still not at all sure that`s the problem though. I`ve never heard of it happening to anyone before. Believe me the last thing I wanna do it trade it,it`s a great gun. :) Marcus
Just a little update here. I tried it today with the original hammer spring and the hammer still hits the web of my hand. Doh! It`s not quite as bad but it`ll still annoying. I guess it`s just the mix of my meaty hands and the Ruger`s shape. Guess it`s gettin traded. :( Marcus
Dude, how big are your hands?!?!? I have huge bass-player hands and can shoot Rugers all day long without hammer bite. Are you gripping too high or do you have basketball-player size hands? Usually, Rugers are accused of beinf too big for most hands.

I wish you were in FL, I would trade you for the P-97 in a hurry!
I know what you mean,mine is not exactly a common problem. LOL! My hands are LG/XL but due to my line of work my hands have become very strong over the years and I have a hard lump of muscle just behind the web of my hand when I make a fist or grip a handgun. That`s what the hammer hits. Needless to say I can`t even get near a Walther PPK or 1911 sans beavertail grip safety without drawing blood. I`ve had similar problems with other guns too so it`s not the Ruger`s fault. :) I wonder if Robar does grip work on Rugers? Marcus