

Retired Screen Name
I dont know if this has been brought up yet, but in keeping with the view of not supporting those who are anti the 2nd amendment--------we are in a prime card buying time and Hallmark is nothing if not anti the 2nd amendment----so try not to support the bums....fubsy.
Anybody know of any other card or wrapping paper companies? I try to avoid Hallmark like the plague, but I can't seem to find any other brand. I most certainly do NOT go to any of the Hallmark stores. Sadly, I had to give in and buy a Hallmark card for the wife. After all, it was her birthday. They say that in a marriage, you have to compromise. Well, I compromised by buying a Hallmark card, and she let's me buy my toys that go 'BOOM'! :)
Oh i can see the little cards now..

"Honey I love you you've been like a rock,
and to prove it to you I bought you a glock"

imagine shopping in "For an AK Owner on his birthday" card sections...

"Your AK is legend and the stuff of lore,
you are so old you still shoot steel core"


"Daddy you are dandy and one hell of a fella,
but my mommy says you owe her a beretta"

Because Its father's day..

Dad I couldn't think of all that sad mushy male bonding stuff that gets said on those cards with fly fishing scenes on the cover. So instead i bought a pallette full of blasting ammo and have two machine guns reserved for rent at the range.. lets rock!

and on this christmas...

"Goods tiding of Christmas and Happy New year's day... hope you've plenty of canned goods and a dozen AK's.


"May you be snug in your beds this chill christmas night.. and heavily armed when the bug kills the lights"

valentines day..

"My darling I love you my delicate flower,
and just to prove it here's a chocolate hi-power."


You ignorant mick bastard are you from the sticks??
How many times must i tell ya booze and guns do not mix!
(includes picture of blasted and BLASTED leprechuan)

Time to call it a day kids...


You are good at that....I hear a person can make some great money writing card jingles. I'd buy your cards :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Sure, there are a lot of competitors for Hallmark. Most are a bit cheaper and have just as good a variety. Most supermarkets, and any drugstore such as Thrifty, Rite-Aid, Walgreens or whatever's in your neck of the woods should have them; just look on the back of the card before you buy.


Romans 6:23
Dr. Rob, you have waaaay too much time on your hands.

Only 30 more days of deer season left here. :)


"I don't make enough money to buy cheap stuff" - Mark Manning
When you buy non-Hallmark cards, save your receipts and send them to Hallmark, saying "you could have made this profit if you weren't anti-gun", or words to that effect.

It's time to rub these anti-gun people's noses in the dirt. You won't change their minds, but it might make the accountants cry, anyway. You'll feel better for having stuck your thumb in their eye. These people have been getting away with this crap and never hear any squawks.

Get a jump start on the Millenium and be a Bad A$$ from here on out in these matters.
Sometimes a 33c stamp can buy a lot of satisfaction.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Aw Geez, Mr. Fastfingers. Forgot to add their snail mail address, couldn't find an email one.

Hallmark Cards, Inc.
2501 McGee
P.O. Box 419580
Kansas City, MO 64141-6580

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.