Hallmark anti-self defense


New member
I've checked this out - it's true!!!

Hallmark Cards (www.hallmark.com) is one of the largest contributors ($25,000) to a Missouri antigun group opposed to Proposition B, which is Missouri's referendum on Concealed Carry. Hallmark has admitted that
they did it. This information comes directly from the campaign finance reports filed with the Missouri State Ethics Commission. (For more details on the contribution or Proposition B, contact Missourians Against Crime at 888-865-2729 or send email to moccw@bigfoot.com)

Please email Hallmark Cards RIGHT NOW and tell them you find their political views disgusting. Be sure to tell them that you will never buy any Hallmark product again! Hurt them in their wallet!!

Go to www.hallmark.com and click on the "email" on the banner at the top of the page. Send them a brief email. Be polite but firm. If their mailbox fills up with this, maybe we can keep them from supporting anti-gun causes again.[/quote]
You know what to do!
Thank you, Morgan for putting this information out. I have used Hallmark products for years and it really grinds me to think that they are using my money against me. All Missouri gunowners are holding our breath as the vote on Prop B is this coming tuesday.
To whom it may concern:

I learned with sadness that the Hallmark Company had
donated $25,000 for the purpose of opposing the right
of the citizens' of Missouri exercise of the Bill of
Rights. Specifically the referendum known as Proposition
B which would "legalize" the 2nd Amendment in the state of
Missouri. Until your company publicly apologizes
for this despicable stand against the Bill of Rights
and also donates at least an equal amount to an
organization that supports the Bill of Rights in its
entirety I can no longer support Hallmark Cards or
other products.


Byron Quick
My letter reads
As a citizen of the state of Missouri I tend to buy goods and services originating in Missouri. Therefore I was greatly disturbed when I recently heard that your company was actively in opposition to Proposition B. I have been using your excellent products for years but now I personally plan on boycotting your products and informing any who ask and all of my acquaintences not to use your products either.
Perhaps you are against Prop B so that you can sell more condolence cards to victims. If so, that is a rather crass attitude at too great of a cost. The cost of a human life to me is much more than the cost of one of your cards. Though this apparently is not the case in your corporate attitude.
As has been shown repeatedly, concealed carry does not turn a political subdivision into the "wild west". Conversely, violent crime has decreased in all areas where concealed carry has been instituted.
Thank you for your time.
Morgan, thank you. I sent the following:

'Today I have been advised of the following:

"Hallmark Cards (www.hallmark.com) is one of the largest contributors ($25,000) to a Missouri antigun group opposed to Proposition B, which is Missouri's referendum on Concealed Carry."

My family and I believe self-defense is a critical personal right, and if Hallmark believes otherwise we will be unable to continue doing business with your firm. If your management ignorantly believes that legally concealed carry weapons increase crime, I would recommend they correct their ignorance by reading 'More Guns, Less Crime' by Dr. John Lott. Or, call the Department of Public Safety in Arizona and ask them what their actual experience has been with a similar law here.

Up until 6 months ago I cared and thought little about this issue. However, with the help of companies like yours, ignorance and misplaced fear may soon destroy a critical American right.

If your company truly made this contribution (as is apparently reported in public records), have the courage to make this stand public. And if so, I am deeply offended Hallmark's management thinks so little of the citizens it previously called customers.'

Q here is asking "what exactly did they do? Give money for specific ads? Donated to some group that has g.c. among other items on the agenda? What is the primary source of that info?"


Cornered "but cheery" Rat
http://ddb.com/RKBA Updated March 20
Q - according to Missourians Against Crime and the Missouri State Ethics Commission, Hallmark Inc. contributed $25K to the main anti-Proposition B group (don't remember the name) to do with as they see fit.
Just received a reply to my e-mail to Hallmark.

Thank you for contacting us to share your views. We appreciate your viewpoint and will share your comments internally.
We are concerned for the safety of children in our schools and employees in the workplace. We want the public to fully understand the implications of Proposition B so they may make n informed decision at the polls.
Again, thank you for writing to share your views. Be assured your comments have been heard and shared within Hallmark.
Thanks, Jan Scott Hallmark Consumer Affairs

My reply to this;

Dear Jan Scott,
I believe that if your company were truly concerned about the safety aspect, then encouraging training and responsible ownership would go farther than prohibition. Many pro self-defense organizations have programs dedicated to educating the children and adults in our communities. The NRA Eddie Eagle program is deservedly amongst the best programs of its kind.
In your response to my previous e-mail to you, you "want the public to fully understand...so they may make an informed decision at the polls." How can a citizen make an informed decision when a corporation espouses and bankrolls only one side of any issue? Parrotting a political organization such as Handgun Control Inc. which will not back up their supposed "facts" with analytical statistics does not, in many peoples view, make for a logical thought process. These anti self-defense organizations depend on emotion to get their message across, not facts.
Once again I ask you to reconsider your corporate policy or at least provide equal funding if your company truly wishes to educate the Missouri consumer.
Thank you
Thanks for the heads-up. I went the following:

I was recently told by a friend of mine that your company contributed $25,000 to the opposition to Prob B (the concealed carry of handguns) in Missouri, and that you did it "for the safety of the children."

In light of this information I have to ask you just how opposition to a Concealed Carry Permit law will save our children? What statistics are you using? How were they gathered? And have you seen an increase
in the accidental shootings of children in other states that have concealed carry permits already in place?

Just why do you hold our children hostage for laws that violate our basic right to self defense? Have you ever seen a policeman that was purposely on the scene of a violent crime WHEN it was commited in order to protect those who would have been victims?
I never have.

My children depend on me to provide for them. That is to say, feed them, clothe them, shelter them, teach them, and PROTECT them. No one else is responsible for that other than myself and my wife.

With the illegal restrictions placed upon the citizens of this country in violation of the 2nd Amendment it makes it increasingly difficult for a law-abiding citizen to remain law-abiding AND fulfill his responsibilities
to his family.

Your contribution to an anti-2nd Amendment side states your position clearly.

It's a shame that your company would feel that it has the right to pick and choose from a document that has guided us for over 200 years. In a country that allows you to excercise your RIGHT to free-enterprise and the pursuit of profitable commerce I find this policy to be a serious breach of common sense.

Even though I am not a resident of the state of Missouri, I will place my vote against you by purchasing the products of a company that recognizes my right to self-defense, as well as all of the other God-given rights enumerated by the Constitution. Nor will I accept any products sent to me that have been made or sold by your company. Eventually all that have contact with me will know of your support against a vital part of our Constitution and then they can vote against you with the money they spend on products like those you make, until you can get your facts straight and reverse your position.

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited April 06, 1999).]
I have confronted these people, shocked and embarrassed them, and I never mention guns.

I have found it very effective to tell reps from anti companies, "I refuse to buy from your company because you are supporting groups that believe in depriving citizens of their Civil and Constitutional Rights; I cannot support you as long as you support a police state and try to reduce the civil liberties of minorities and others."

If they say their company would never do that, I say that obviously the company does not want its employees to learn of its hidden policies and political activities, and walk away.

No mention of guns. Let them think about it.