Halbrook Second Amendment podcast -- December 2009


New member
There is an excellent podcast recently posted of (attorney and scholar) David Kopel interviewing Stephen P. Halbrook, the pre-eminent attorney and scholar on 2nd Amendment cases & issues.

Subjects include
  • the McDonald v. City of Chicago case now before the Supreme Court (in which Halbrook is a primary respondent and Kopel authored one of the pro-Second-Amdendment amicus briefs);
    • the (surprisingly) relatively supportive stance of the NAACP in their McDonald amicus brief (they were against guns in Heller),
    • 14th Amendment analysis including under the "Privileges or Immunities" clause and under the "Duel Process" clause;
  • Halbrook's next book on the history of gun registration and , eventually, gun confiscation, in Weimar Republic Germany (and later, Nazi Germany);
  • a fuller understanding the militia in light of the views of the framer's of the Constitution;
  • Halbrook's excellent previous book, "The Founders' Second Amendment: Origins of the Right to Bear Arms" in the United States;
  • gun shortages in times of uncertainty: "In periods of uncertainty, people buy guns. That's why we have had more guns sold in the past year than in any period in American History";
  • the widespread support of the "cop on the beat" police, and most police chiefs, for Second Amendment rights.

In short, whatever your interest in Second Amendment matters, you should listen to this podcast! Halbrook is a gem for those who believe in the Second Amendment and in Constitutionally Limited Government.

Here is the link to the mp3 audio file:
The interview is 53 minutes in duration.

Sort of a Christmas SecondAmendment-palooza. Merry Christmas to all!

(If you listen to the podcast, be sure to post your reaction here.)
I must say I am somewhat amazed no one has responded on this idea. Halbrook is really a great scholar of second amendment and firearms rights history.

Doesn't anyone know of him or his work?

Or is the idea of a 45 minute podcast just a bit daunting for the folks who read the FiringLine Forum?

Or ???
I love his work. Sorry I was a little slow, been hopping around other forums as well as running one. It's not too nerdy, really. Will post this to the New York forum.