Had to use mine Wednesday Night

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I'm in a Bowling League on Wednesday Night with guys from work. I had to park in the back of the Bowling Center. Well after Bowling I was going to pull up my truck by the guys I bowl with car in the front to talk. On the way to my truck I automatically started it through my alarm and disarmed my truck. When I got to my truck and opened the door I was punched in the back of my head, The guy told me to give him my money. I gave him my wallet and he looked in it and threw it down ( I had NO cash in my wallet ) He then said empty my pockets. I told him I dont have any cash on me and that it was in my truck. He said to get it. So I climbed into my truck and opened up the center concole to grab my gun. I tuned to him while sitting down in the driver seat and fired 3 shots (1 hit him in the left thigh 1 hit him above the waist and the other one I missed him and I hit the car besides me. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. I remember him saying oh SHI* and Fuc* and then he kinda fell to the ground moaning. My friends on the bowling team ran around to the back and I told the to call 911. I sat there in shock and I really dont remember much except my friends asking me if I was alright and they tended to the guy who tried to rob me. The ambulance got there first and was tending to the guy who tried to rob me. The police then got there and asked me where my gun was I told him sitting in the truck. The guy who tried to Rob me was taken to the hospital. The police questioned me and asked me what happened. I then was takin to the Police Station and had to do a written statement about what happened. I was at the police station until about 3 P.M. on Thursday after they got through talking to the guy who tried to rob me. The police took me back to my truck and told me they would be contacting me soon. They still have my gun in there posession. I just got back to work today and I am still kinda in shock about what happened. I got a call from the detective this morning and told me that the guy who tried to rob me is going to be arrested and that they think he may have been involved in 2 other robberies wednesday night. I'm just glad that it will be over soon
Sounds good to me

But not knowing what state you live in, I'm not sure about your laws and all.

Hopefully this will turn out ok for you.

Take care.
I live in South Carolina. The detective told me not to worry about anything. They had offered couceling but I told them No thanks. He also said that I may be asked to testify in court if he was infact the man that robbed 2 other people that night but that wouldnt be for a while. He told me that the man did confess to attempt to rob me for Money to buy drugs.
Brother, God be with you. Hate to hear about things like this, but it shows the rest of us that it CAN happen.
What state are you in? Not that it matters, but what kind of gun did you have?
You take care and try to stay calm - it'll all work out. You have friends here that are praying for you!!! :)
I am glad you’re okay and this will work out for you. You should be thankful you live in South Carolina; I suspect you'll be legally clear there, but there are other states where your future would a much more difficult.
I had my XD-9 in my truck. I usually carry all the time but at the bowling alley they serve alcohol and its just best not to bring it inside and plus I felt that there was no need because i was with my friends. The police still have my gun but it sounds like Ill be getting that back shortly. I am not really worried at all about lawsuits or anyhting because it being treated as self defense. I did however have to contact my insurance company about fixing the persons door that was parked beside me.
Good on you and God be with you. Be careful what you say on an open forum, as your case may not be over yet. The civil part is still looming ahead, no matter how justified the shooting. He does not even have to win to wreck your life.

I recommend you accept the conseling offer, especially if it is a group situation with others who have fired in self defense. There is little someone who has not BTDT can do to help you emotionally, simply because you are likely to discount what they say. People who have BTDT can really help you through this. The after-effects of your shooting haven't hit you yet, and you are likely still in shock. The after-effects of a shooting are great, depression, social stigma, isolation, and they can lead to suicide. Hopefully you have a supportive network of family and friends. Even if you feel you do not need the help, get a phone number so you can get help if you need it down the road.
Moose - good show. Goes to show you, it can happen when you least expect it.

Glad you made the #1 priority - your survival.

Hope the stuff afterwards goes well.

I was thinking to everyone here who does CC - would you guys be interested in pooling resources to do a CC defense fund? To help our fellow CC carriers who (involved in a legit self-defense shoot) get sued by relatives of the BG?
I'm glad you are okay and that the bad guy got what he deserved. Just make sure you follow up with what is going on with this scum bag since he may try to "get even" after they let him out. I think you are entitled to know as a victim when he is paroled.

Out of curiousity, was he armed? I hope everything works out well for you.
Be careful what you say on an open forum, as your case may not be over yet. The civil part is still looming ahead, no matter how justified the shooting. He does not even have to win to wreck your life.

What Xavier said. This is not over by any means. Civil liability has only the most tenuous of links to criminal culpability, and a even a successful defense will - well, wreck your life.

God bless you and keep you - you will be in my prayers.
Chalk up a win for the good guys!!!


Good show, my man!! I'm glad you are okay. You did a heroic thing - you took a piece of "S" off the street and made our world a better place in the process. I wonder how many other people he would have victimized if it were not for your actions that night.

I hope you are carrying 100% of the time now - the piece of "S" may have friends or family that are thinking of revenge. I hope all the legal ramifications turn out in your favor, and that you will come out of this okay in every way.

By the way, what ammo did you have in your XD-9?? Sounds like it did the job, whatever it was!

There's a lot of truth and wisdom in what Xavier said. Both in the legal (civil) and psychological aspects. Listen to him, and do it. Don't be surprised if you find yourself questioning your own actions. It can be part of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and is completely normal. In spite of whatever thoughts cross your mind, now and later, remember always that HE forced your hand. HE is totally and completely responsible; not you.
I applaud your actions and quick thinking to get to your weapon.
This is a great reminder for all of us to be aware of our surroundings, espically when we are alone.

I wish you the best and would also attend counseling for personal assitance. If there were to be a civil case, the documentation of counseling also wouldn't hurt! Just remeber that you were the victim, not the BG.
Moose, 1st: glad you're ok. 2nd: As was stated DO NOT write anymore about this incident or respond about this matter. Even if the cop said you are OK, wait until everything is done. Additionally, do not speak to anyone about this, unless it is your wife (spouse privelaged info) or a psych (patient/doctor privelage) or lawyer (you should contact one if you haven't already done so). Anybody else can be subpoenaed for questioning. If you can get a copy of your statement, give that to your lawyer as well. It really helps to have this process in motion if a civil case is opened or some DA wants to press charges (which doesn't look to be the case). Bottom line: I think you did really well, but it is in your best interest to be prepared. Good luck
Please don't say anything more about the details of the case until it has been resolved. Glad you're ok. Glad the guy confessed. That should make it simple, but that's not the way it is these days.
Additionally, do not speak to anyone about this, unless it is your wife (spouse privelaged info)[sic.] or a psych (patient/doctor privelage)[sic.] or lawyer (you should contact one if you haven't already done so).

Good advice. I would modify it in this way--talk to the lawyer BEFORE you talk to the spouse or psychiatrist. He can tell you the extent of the privileges.

Take care, and God Bless. Take heart in knowing that you did what you had to do to save your life. Don't second guess your decision--someone who will rob you of your possessions will not hesitate to rob you of your life, given the opportunity.

It's hard, but do KEEP QUIET. Get a lawyer. Any lawyer who is worth his salt will tell you to keep your mouth shut. In fact, once you are represented, HE will deal with the police.
Moose, I'm sorry this had to happen to you. As others have said, it might be best to seek counseling. Even though you were not hurt physically, the psychological impact can be pretty rough. You did well. Remember, this is not your fault.
I was thinking to everyone here who does CC - would you guys be interested in pooling resources to do a CC defense fund? To help our fellow CC carriers who (involved in a legit self-defense shoot) get sued by relatives of the BG?
I am now short of money, but this is a cause worth stretching my budget for. Count me in for the MooseRLP (and others) defense fund for some bucks.
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