Had my first competition today


New member
I went to a tactical shoot at a family members gun club today. There were a bunch of different stages, most of which were idpa scenarios. For only one of the stages were the points counted, as this club rarely does this kind of shoot. I used my Glock 17 firing 115 gr fmj cci blazer. I think I did pretty well, considering I feel I am still a novice shooter. I learned some new stuff (take your time b/c being fast and missing the target wont help :o) as well as some other things. Other than my dad, who taught me everything (and was also using his colt 1911 jim clark bowling pin model(cheater!:p)), a veteran of iraq who is also current sheriffs deputy, and one or two other experienced shooters there I was better than most other people. On the event that was actually counted, I believe I came in 4th place out of about 15 people.

Overall it felt great and I can't wait to compete again!
Congratulations on getting started in competition and on your performance!

I'll bet if you poke around you can find other similar competitions in your area.
I've spectated at the old bridge rifle and pistol club in old bridge, NJ, and they have a great action shooting crew over there. I even got to see David Olhasso shoot there which was great. He even gave me some tips! I think I may join that club. A little bit of a hike from where I live but the level of competition there is really high and thats what i'm after.