Had an idea.

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New member
I was reading that in some places they have no pigs or in the case of one country only one and it is in a zoo. Sooo why not live trap all them wild ones and ship em over to them places so they can enjoy a succulent hog roast every now and then.......

I might just go and open a rib shack there.....
Ask the Aussies if introducing rabbits to Australia was a good idea. I am quite confident the majority would say NO.
I'm for live trapping them and turning them loose in Africa or else where where people are starving. Let them breed and spread over there.

Save a lot of money by cutting back on food aide which doesn't go to those who need it anyway.
That's as bad an idea as has come down the pike in years. Worthy of a job in the present administration in WashDC.

Texas alone has a few tens of millions of dollars in crop damage from hogs every year.

The idea is tantamount to saying that it's okay to steal money from farmers.
or in the case of one country only one and it is in a zoo

Um I meant Afganistan and Iran must not have picked up on that.

FYI it was a joke.....

but hey vote for me and Iwill put a pig in every pot or something like that....

Man this is a tough crowd.....
I signed in to hunt on some public land in South Georgia last year and they had a sign posted with bag limits for different species. Under hogs it read.


All you want +1
If you ever saw the damage that hogs do to croplands, you'd understand the why of the "tough".

I got relatives living in TX too. It was a joke. or are only a select few allowed to joke on this here forum?
I too hunted so.GA in JAN between 5 of us killed 61 in 3 days,filled 2 food banks & 1 feed the hungry station till they wouldnt take anymore.

Hog booms to IRAN sure.
We got our share of them in Macon County, Alabama too. I wouldn't wish them on anybody. They might appreciate somebody shipping them some hams in impoverished areas where they need food assistance, but as far as loose hogs, they are just a plague.
markj, I guess you maybe need a tad more study on humor. It's a "how-to" thing. :D

Humor is a game open to all players; no limitations on entrants--but some players might need some help in the skill department.
I agree with most of the above stating not transporting and introducing hogs. Not actually studing up on the Texas pig nuisance problem as much I do apply it to my hunting scene. Just asking for trouble, but then I am an avid deer hunter myself and I want the hogs away from my area. Not saying I wont go to my other area and hunt hogs but our family keep the two seperate if possible.
"...but our family keep the two seperate if possible."

Dunno how you'd do that, this side of a high-dollar fence. Deer go wherever they want, and hogs do the same.
One is in Florida nearby it has 2500 acres and the other one is two south Alabama tracts, one 890 and the other 200 acres, two miles away(as the crow flies. Deer and coyotes are in Alabama and deer and hogs mixed(more hogs than deer) are here in Florida. You are right about having a boundary on one tract with serating hogs from deer. The hogs would rule the roost.;).
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