Had a situation the Tuesday before the 4TH...

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New member
was coming out of a bookstore in Toledo, wife and sister-in-law trailing behind and to my left.
Crossing the open parking lot towards a second store that had just close, saw a black Lincoln pull from stall and swung a 180 to the right, for the next couple of seconds the hood ornament was centered on me (across two lanes of marked parking), speed was a fast walk.
Angled slightly to to my right and observed that vehicle bear off to its right.

Two "non-Caucasians" in the front and heard low talking between them, (side windows down) no actual conversation.
Went home and called in a report to Toledo police, was told by "Badge 144XX", that I needed to make "in-person" report.

Couple night ago came by same area and the TPD moved a mobile surveillance camera to that parking lot.

I was "cpling" a J-frame with 140 .38SPL XTP's, had the vehicle not turned, i would have engaged the driver.
Now when going into Toledo I'm will "cpl" a 4" .38 or 9mm.

Constructive comments welcomed.
I'm confused...

So you saw a car with two non-white guys in the front seat and they weren't having a proper conversation? The local police then asked you make a formal written complaint of the two incorrectly conversing "non-Caucasians" in a motor vehicle?

What does the race of anyone involved have to do with anything? Had they been white would you have merrily whistled along?

Speaking in low tones is not a crime.

Nor is turning a car around.

What exactly was done to make you think you were in danger?
My guess is the driver was texting and driving and on they were on their way to meet someone. I 've pulled out of parking spaces at a store and, whoa! There's a pedestrian in front of my truck! Happens a lot in fact, people entering and leaving the stores I frequent. Almost all of them through the parking lot where I parked my vehicle.

I hate to break it to you, but the fact that you chose to include the ethnicity of the occupants tells me you were more worried about that than actually being hit by the car.
What do you mean by 'engaged'?

Wouldn't your wife object? :cool:

But again, what did the driver do to make you think that you might need to "engage" him while carrying a deadly weapon?

What specfic and reasonable threat against your safety existed?
Sorry I'm confused.

So.. if he was pointed at you, and you turned to your right, and they, to their right, means they swerved away from you, to keep from hitting you....
What seems to be the problem here??
Lord, save us from people looking for an excuse to use that gun they are carrying. Amen

Honestly, folks that are going to "engage" without justifcation are going to be the end to concealed carry in this country.

If your life is in danger YOU WILL KNOW. Stop trying to find a situation that MIGHT meet the requirement.
In the time it would take you to realize they are trying to run you over, draw your weapon, take aim on the driver and fire you could just as easily have jumped to one side out of the way of the car coming at you. That is what the jury will be told for sure.

I wasn't there but a car coming in your direction for a couple of seconds at the speed of a fast walk does not seem to warrant filing a police report to me. But that's me.

My guess is that it was just some "youts" messing with you. That is if they even saw you at all.
Sharkbite has it right!

And anyone who thinks he could stop a Lincoln from running over him by "engaging" the driver with a handgun should seriously reconsider the idea of carrying in the first place.
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