Had a co-worker frighten me with a story


New member
Co-worker asked me what would happen if he fired his shotgun underwater.

I asked "what do you mean"? And he replied "it makes the end of the barrel split, right"?

I said "what are you talking about. Did you plug the end of the barrel or something?". He related a story to me. And please note, he and I will never go shooting or hunting together. Or even out on a boat together

Seems he was hunting alligators on vacation. Don't ask me where. He thought he hit one, and he was prodding into the mud with the barrel of the shotgun to try and find it, from the boat. On his knees, jamming the barrel into the mud. He thought the shotgun was empty, and he didn't realize his finger was on the trigger. So he poked the thing into the water and mud a few times, and then, "BOOM!"

I said he was a lucky SOB and that he needed to respect firearms (and alligators) a lot more, and walked away.
Here, I fixed it for you...

exactly - that moron actually survived his fake

More proof that Darwin was wrong.
No, not all organisms do stupid deleterious things that could remove themselves from the gene pool before reproducing. Many do it after reproducing. This is one of the benefits of evolution, being stupid AFTER siring young.

If only there was a way to legislate stupidity like this. You and i could own nuclear weapons and that jackass couldnt own a plastic fork.
Natural selection is a slow and imperfect process, but it does work eventually.

A few years ago, one of the kid shooters at PGC showed up with an ancestral shotgun. A venerable bolt action 16 gauge, it had a bulge slightly behind the muzzle that took the OD to 12 gauge country. We refused to let him shoot it and provided a loaner. The kid was OK with it, but his Dad waxed wroth.

Said Dad, when we explained we had issues with the safety of that barrel, mentioned HIS father hunted with that gun for 30 years, and the bulge had been there forever.

We banned the gun, the kid got another family gun,a Model 11, and all was well. Still, I'd like to have that bolt action just to mount it on the wall as a horrible example.....
That video of the guy looking down the shotgun misfire , and it taking off the brim of his hat.. I mean seriously, it makes me NOTICABLY JUMP AND CRINGE and cry out, each time i seeeit.

I mean its like that LT / Theisman video but - much worse.

I wonder, what would have happened if that opened his entire face and blew his head off? I mean would it be all over the world news, gory and all!?
Unfortunately, sometimes you don't know any better. I had a vz52 pistol that would fire if you used the decocker feature on the safety. It was as reliable as pulling the trigger.
One of our local stores has a 30-06 on the wall that somebody fired with an obstruction in the barrel. It split the barrel down to a few inchs from the chamber in 4 pieces like a flower petal.
Sh!+ happens, you can only do your part. If somebody has their gun smoke up and you don't see a round hit take the time to make sure that they check the barrel for a squib round. A new shooter isn't necessarily going to realize that they should first clear the weapon and then check the barrel for obstructions instead of chambering another round and firing it.
That video of the guy looking down the shotgun misfire , and it taking off the brim of his hat.. I mean seriously, it makes me NOTICABLY JUMP AND CRINGE and cry out, each time i seeeit.

Come on, people, doesn't anybody actually pay attention or are we just going to be mindless believers of everything we see. The video of the guy looking down the barrel is FAKE!!!!!

Discussed here already...
Real or fake, it is scary to watch that video

As for the "do you people not pay attention or do you believe everything you see" stuff, I am sorry but that is a fairly uncool move; whether you realize it or not, you just pulled the 'I'm the coolest guy in the room' routine with the way you said that, 00Spy
Dave, your duty to the range may have been to ban the kid from shooting that gun. But your duty to humanity was to let him, standing right next to his dad. Sometimes there is a higher calling we must follow.

There will be other occassions for you to interfere with evolution -- please resist all temptations brother.


PS: Do you guys believe that video is real?
I'm not Darwin's enforcer nor agent of change.

And the kid was OK, it was Dad who was denser than lead. Kid musta taken after Mom.

As for the video, withholding judgement....
Dumb is as dumb does

We had a good paintball program for the youth of our church that got shut down after a kid looked down the barrel of his gun and pulled the trigger. Parents tried to say it was the church's fault and tried to sue. Sometimes dumb ruins it all for everyone.

Live well, be safe
Prof Young