H.R. 5782 The Secure Access to Firearms Enhancement (SAFE) Act of 2008


New member
This proposed US House legislation, as reported by GOA, will give gun owners, who already have the right to carry a concealed weapon in their home state, to have that right extended to all the other states in the nation.

Well, that's great for the 30% of Americans who live in states that issue concealed carry permits, but what about the other 70% who are stuck in states such as NJ, NY, MD, IL, CA, MA, etc. which do NOT issue concealed carry permits at all or nearly at all? How about instead working on concealed carry for all Americans, instead of enhancing the gun rights of one small group who luckily can already carry in their home state? And please withhold the; "Move" comments. Many, like myself, are tied to a career and family and moving is not an option. Plus, if we all just "Move", who will keep fighting for gun rights in our state? Once a California gets established, it spreads to other states, Denver, CO a case in point.
I just did some quick math ... but it looks to me like about 60% of americans live in shall issue state. So this law would work for 60% of us.

The big question is ... if a Cali resident gets a Fla permit, will this bill give him carry ability outside of cali? More than he has now?
The big question is ... if a Cali resident gets a Fla permit, will this bill give him carry ability outside of cali? More than he has now?
No... you can count on an exemption for home states. What will give Californians the right will be following a Heller victory with a 14th amendment suit. All that is required is an individual right/fundamental right ruling. I think both are likely. The courts have been able to fend off such suits because the 9th Circuit does not recognize an individual right under the 2nd Amendment. A successful 14th Amendment suit would end discretionary issue and different treatment for citizens, politicians and government employees. Judges, politicians, non-sworn police chiefs, and retired LEOs are not turning in their carry permits.
I just did some quick math ... but it looks to me like about 60% of americans live in shall issue state. So this law would work for 60% of us.

I live in NY - in a "restricted/no carry permit" county. As with the OP, such a law (while a good thing) would not benefit me.

However, if something like this ever actually passed, then 60% of Americans (living in shall issue states) would then be able to legally carry in my state. I wouldn't hold my breath, but I think that would make things much easier for local law makers to lift the restrictions here to allow us "local" to carry as well. Why penalize the local citizens when all these "out-of-towners" can carry?

Wishful thinking maybe. But any step in the right direction is a positive thing.
However, if something like this ever actually passed, then 60% of Americans (living in shall issue states) would then be able to legally carry in my state. I wouldn't hold my breath, but I think that would make things much easier for local law makers to lift the restrictions here to allow us "local" to carry as well. Why penalize the local citizens when all these "out-of-towners" can carry?

I hope so. Either way, I don't think a if-I-don't-get-mine-you-don't-get-yours mentality like in the OP benefits anyone.