H. R. 514 Scanner Bill

There is a bill that just passed in the House. It will modify the conditions in which a
scanner can be used. The language in the bill is such that the courts could determine that
the very act of listening to a scanner would be illegal. For more information see
http://www.strongsignals.net/ .

Below is a list of members of the Senate subcommittee that will first
consider H.R. 514. These are the folks you should contact first. EVERY
scanner owner should write to EACH ONE of these Senators, in addition to
writing to the two Senators from your own state.

U.S. Senate
Commerce Committee
Communications Subcommittee
(202)224-5184 Telephone
(202)224-9334 Fax

Subcommittee Jurisdiction
•Federal Communications Commission •Corporation for Public Broadcasting
•Communications Satellite Corporation •Encryption Communication •
Intelsat •Telecommunications Industry Economics •Telecommunications Law
•Universal Service •Spectrum Allocation

•Conrad Burns, Montana, Chairman
•Ted Stevens, Alaska
•Slade Gorton,
•Trent Lott, Mississippi
•John Ashcroft, Missouri
•Kay Bailey
Hutchison, Texas
•Spencer Abraham, Michigan
•Bill Frist, Tennessee
•Sam Brownback, Kansas

•Ernest F. Hollings, South Carolina
•Daniel K. Inouye, Hawaii
•John F. Kerry, Massachusetts
•John B. Breaux, Louisiana
•John D. Rockefeller IV, West Virginia
•Byron L. Dorgan, North Dakota
•Ron Wyden, Oregon
•Max Cleland, Georgia