It starts patriots. I don't know how to make a hot link.
Registration include make, model, serial, when you bought it, and where it is stored--IN A PUBLIC DATABASE
I really don't think we are going to see any radical gun control, at least for the next 4 years.
But goodness, not some nut job but an actual member of Congress is putting this forward?
You forget one key thing: the next mass shooting. This is why I want distance learning for K-12 schools to continue for at least another 12 to 18 months as nothing drives a gun control argument like dead kids or a super high fatality count within a month of each other.I might agree with 2 years.
No idea what might happen in the mid-term elections.
A bill that uses the phrase “psychologically unsuited to posses a firearm”.
I wonder if some Congressmembers even know this exists. Seems that even if they do, they simply don't care...
It is a court, where BOTH sides have to follow the rules and are able to present evidence.
It is a court, where BOTH sides have to follow the rules and are able to present evidence.
Not sure what to say about that but you clearly have not been paying close attention to the courts the last couple years .