New member
Hello, Dude. I have a P7PSP and really like it. In fact, I prefer its feel over the later P7M8. The PSP does have the heel magazine release, but at least the magazine falls free of the weapon when the lever is pushed and doesn't have to be withdrawn. This pistol's never malfunctioned and is accurate, with the fixed sights being very well regulated from the factory. They are fine pistols in my opinion. Best.
I have both and I prefer the P7M8 better than the PSP only because the trigger is Much nicer. That said, the PSP is alot sleeker IMHO and I PREFER the heel mag release since my H&K P9S is my weapon of choice. The M8 gets less hot because of the synthetic shield but this has never been a problem for me with the PSP. If given a choice between the two and both having the same trigger smoothness I would pick the PSP.
I have even considered sending my PSP out for a trigger job and may do so in the future. I believe BRUCE GRAY does excellent custom work on H&K's per Massad Ayoob's recomm.

Hope this helps!

Dude: The P7 series is a great pistol, very accurate. But is does have one serious flaw in its design. I owned a P7M13 and when we qualified over the summer I decided to shoot the combat course as an experiment. Well as expected the P7 functioned flawlessly, but it became so hot that by the end of the course it was impossible to hold. This is due to the fact that the barrel is an integral part of the steel frame and it readily transmits the heat to the grip frame and trigger area. Other than this problem my P7 functioned flawlessly. They are great guns, just dont plan on doing alot of shooting on a hot summer day.

Be Safe
Get a glove or two P7s and the problem is solved.

The Seattle SharpShooter
If it can't shoot jacketed rat turds powered by mouse farts, I ain't gonna shoot it!

Buy that gun right away. Good deal.

Otherwise please e-mail me the name and phone number of the seller and I'll buy it.

I'll make it worth your while with a finder's fee.

The Seattle SharpShooter
If it can't shoot jacketed rat turds powered by mouse farts, I ain't gonna shoot it!
I could not agree more!! I love my PSP, and if I could keep only one of my dozens of guns it would be the PSP. Yes, it gets way hot. Gloves take care of that.
The PSP is on my short list of "Guns I Shouldn't Have Sold". The European release came in two styles: One that protruded out from the bottom of the frame, and one that was contoured flush with the curved profile of the bottom of the grip. I have yet to see that latter style at any stores or shows.
The members that spoke of "overheating" were correct. The gun shoots so easily though, I doubt that long strings of intensive fire would be needed for you to become proficient with it!
Masaad Ayoob has stated that it is one of the most reliable handguns that he has experience with; exceeding 4,000 rounds w/o cleaning w/no stoppages.
My God Man! Quit talking about it and go buy it! That is a great price, in fact, I might be a little suspicious. Seriously!

I love my PSP and haven't had as much of a heating problem as I had with an M13 I shot. Probably just fewer rounds per minute with the P-7. Good luck!!
I just bought a PSP with the flush mounted heel release and it's sweet setup. With a fresh mag in your free hand you nudge the release forward with thumb tip. Your new mag is already in position to insert as the empty drops free. It's fast, ambidextrious, and doesn't require a change in grip on the weapon for stubby fingered folks like me.