

I have recently aquired a Gyrojet pistol made by M B Associates. A small spring is broken on it but I can't find many refs for parts. I am told there is no ammo available. Any info you may have on this pistol would be greatly appreciated.

The pistol, rocket launcher, was produced in the mid-late '60's. You know how the gun was made, aluminum castings, cheap looking and all that. Accuracy was pretty bad as the propelent for the rounds was in the round itself and the burning gasses exited the "bullet" via several small holes at the base of said bullet. If the propelent was not correctly positioned in the rocket or the jets were not machined correctly, the ammo would not fly true. Rotation rate was pretty high but the muzzle velocity was measured in microns/fortnight until the rocket really kicked in at about 15 feet or so.

Ammo will be real hard to find because it became collectors stuff and the scant supply was pieced out. There was a lot of write-up's on the pistol and ammo in the gun press of the time. GUN WORLD comes to mind as one that had many articles on the Gyro-Jet.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
The Gyro-Jet, being a rocket launcher rather than a firearm, was usable in a low-gravity situation. I understand that the Gyro-Jet accompanied the astronauts to the moon. Sure, NASA was pretty sure there was nothing up there, but they couldn't be absolutely certain.

GyroJet on the Moon??? If true, NASA is in worse shape than I thought.

A conventional firearm not only works in no atmosphere and no or low gravity, but is a lot more efficient. (Those curves showing bullet drop in the gun books are straight lines in zero g.)

Recoil is less, since there is no air column in the barrel to add to the bullet weight, and yes, both recoil and gas operated weapons will work.

I also seem to recall that there is some kind of international treaty that no nation will take arms into space - whether that includes a personal defense weapon, I don't know.
Oops, got off the subject of the question.
Sorry, SSGMARKD, can you describe what the spring looks like and where it came from. I recall that those pistols weren't really meant to be taken down, but I'll see if I can help.


[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited June 12, 1999).]
No comment on the moon shot thing, but...

The advantage with a Gyrojet in space is that your shooter does not need to fire a second shot 180 degrees opposite to remain in position.

Since mass resistance to motion remains the same regardless of gravity, I see no advantage in the moon's 1/6th gravity.

In fact, the biggest problem in zero-G would probably be spinning rather than gross movement.

This is getting too esoterical. Scan in a pic of the spring, with a ruler for scale, and post it. Given the G-Jet's manufacture, it might even be an off-the-shelf part someone could recognize!