Gutting and Cleaning Whats the Difference


New member
I've never been hunting but i am goin in the fall so i've been reading threads to pick up tips hear and there and came across one asking for gutting instructions and some one made the comment "what is the use in gutting? Wouldn't it be easier to simply go ahead and clean the deer?" now this has me just slightly confused so i would apreciate it if some one would clear this up for me. as this is just out of curiosity i don't want some one berating me on trying to go and kill a deer on my own i am goin hunting with my shooting coach from when i was in cadets so i can learn everything properly thanks in advance
There are two methods - Field dressing,where just the intestines are removed , and Hog dressing where the intestines, lungs, liver, and heart are removed. In field dressing there is less chance of dirt getting into the body cavity when you are dragging the deer. Many save the heart and liver as they make a good meal .I hog dress and put the heart and liver in plastic bags...In either case it is very important to dress out the deer immediately as cooling the carcass is the first step in insuring good quality meat .Cooling quickly minimizes spoilage.
A lot of terms are used interchangeably. Gutting, field dressing or cleaning are in this category.

On average, from what I've seen, most hunters clean out a deer from tail to upper throat, splitting open the rib cage. Some save the liver and heart and some don't. Either way, it's no big deal.

A lot of terms are used interchangeably. Gutting, field dressing or cleaning are in this category.

Mate. That about sums it up in a nut shell! I shoot for aliving & it's funny that you get 4 Roo shooters together (not a good thing at the best of times ) You will get 4 differant terms For the same thing! Removing the Entrails ,to me is doing a gut but to others it's cleaning ! & to others it's dressing or even in some schools of thought it's Butchering ! :confused: It all means the same thing at the end of the night !

Thanks folks for clearing that up just makes life that much less confusing for a newb its nice to know that there is a place for people to be able to ask anything nomatter how small or even ignorant it seems or is and there is always some one willing to take the time and explain
Thanks folks for clearing that up just makes life that much less confusing for a newb its nice to know that there is a place for people to be able to ask anything nomatter how small or even ignorant it seems or is and there is always some one willing to take the time and explain

Mate remember there ai'nt no such thing as a stupid question !Only stupid answers ! We all started at the begining & have learnt by asking questions

Thats deffinatly true Keith but there are always people and a fair few of them who forget where they started and i ahve seen several people get flamed for not know what these people think is knowledge that every one is born with. in my starting thread in this post i asked that noone rip my head off for possibly sounding like i was goin to go out and try to teach myself how to do things i might have learned by reading them somewhere because i ahve come across several posts where thats exactly what has happend not by every one but there seemed to be people with the holyer-then-thou attitutes that popped up in the posts every now and then exspecialy when asking a question that would be considdered just plain dumb or ignorant by someone who was raised with hunting and shooting