Gunz-n-Rosie / Miss D = where are you?

Jim V

New member
Where are you? I have not seen a posting in a while. I (we) hope all is well.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Present! G&R is around too, Ive talked with her at the other boards. We are still alive and reading! I am making plans for something big I will post it as soon as it is set up! ;) I'll give you a hint, it has to do with guns! :) Remember I have NEVER shot one in my life! ;)
Miss D. I am glad you are about and well. Remember, I told you that I would post something if we did not hear from you. G&R told you too. Tell her hi.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Miss D,

I'm so glad you and G&R are still around, as you exemplify some of the more thoughtful American women around.

But I'm concerned about your plans for doing "something with guns" when you have never shot one in your life. It's not something you should do all alone, nor should you readily trust the local range operator to be as knowledgable about guns as is generally presumed.

Please, please, let one of TFL members guide you through the process of firing your first shot!

Show of hands, folks? Who's willing to teach Miss D. the 4 rules of firearms safety and only then gently introduce her to the finer aspects of marksmanship?

(Expect to be stampeded, Miss D.!)
LOL shortcut! Dont worry I am terrified I would never do that alone. Actually it MAY be someone from TFL???????? :) I will let you know soon!

Thanks Jim for checking up on us. Guess you guys were right! I am always here reading , hey I was even kicked off the anti gun lobby list! :) Im doing good! :)
I'm still around! I read more than post. The baby started crawling and my pre-schooler is home for the summer... so... I've really got my hands full right now. It's been so hot, that he hasn't been able to play outside as much as both of us would like to. We've been slowly putting together a web page for him to share with his grandparents, who live far away. We've been recording his voice and scanning drawings and stuff. We are having a ball.

I'm still here reading, although not as much as I was able to in the spring. It looks like Miss D has made herself a second home here! I hope to be posting a little more once my oldest is back in school. It looks like you all have some good discussions going! Thanks for thinking of me. :)

I built a little place, sort of like a dog run, for my lil guy. Built a ramp so the dog can get in with him...she is very protective of him. He hates being indoors. So he has shade, the occassional bug and lizard to chase and his most valued dirt LOL

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
This is not so much to check on Miss D., this time but on Gunz-n-Rosie. Miss D posts every now and again and we know she is getting read for the trip west to shoot and attend a gun show (whoda thunk?)

We hope all is still well with you GnR. Give us a post every now and then to let us know you are still with us.


Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"