GuntalkTV "first person defender" opinions?


New member
So I sometimes listen to Guntalk podcasts while I work to drowned out the horrible horrible music they have.

While I am not a huge fan of it. It helps the day go by and its about guns. Also it is the only gun podcast I seem to be able to stream well @ work.

They are really pushing this First Person Defender video series so out of boredom when I was on YouTube and I decided to watch them. Quite alot of good info for someone new to CC or even a long time carrier. I am sure much of it for vets of this board will find it redundant.

I did like the red marker on the white shirt to show knife cuts. I think that really helped put that into perspective for the guy.

I also liked when the girl @ the robbery got shot quite a few times when she tried to draw on the robber when it wasn't the right time was also a good one to teach. I think her mindset is what quite a few novice CCW have and hopefully they won't make that mistake.

My most favorite pro was the road rage when they told him. You have a 2 ton car. (i know it was a truck;)) It can be used as a means of escape or a weapon if necessary, don't even need to go to guns.

But! BUUUUUT! This is the one I took issue with, HUGE issue. Mother & Father home invasion. They have to cross a hallway and retrieve their small child. It is stated that they have an AR and a pistol in the bedroom ready to go.

When it starts the father grabs the pistol and goes to check it out. proceeds to exchange rounds then has the wife retrieve the rifle for him. That's about the extent of her interaction until the baby needs to be picked up. So everything is riding on this father fighting two guys and winning. I took issue with that. He could be struck immediately by a round when coming around the corner and be put out of the fight. Also after they cross the hallway she runs in to a dark room that has two entrances unarmed while her husbands back is to her. Could be someone in there they could just completely ignore her and attack while his back is turned, take her hostage or just outright shoot her.

Now my girl is no gunfighter but she has knowledge and the ability to use the firearms we have here for home defense, because I won't always be here. She will actually get the long gun because she is more confident on making hits quickly she has more rounds and its a better weapon. While I would also prefer a long gun to a pistol I would much rather have her be much more capable in defending herself and worst case me. Now if she had to grab a child she would take the pistol so her other hand could be free to open doors or hold the child. Not saying she should 'Rambo up' but I'd hope she'd at least be self sufficient if need be.

I was just surprised that the trainers didn't seem to touch on any of this in that episode? Having the wife be a 'gopher' in a gunfight seems like a terrible misuse of resources.

Well that became quite long winded! I'd love to hear from some of you guys opinions pros & cons. what u agreed with or disagreed with. Overall it was good.

I'd love to get my butt handed to me in one of these and learn a few things.
Having the wife be a 'gopher' in a gunfight seems like a terrible misuse of resources.

I agree.

Maybe they wanted to concentrate on what you could do yourself when you've got no help or are stuck with someone that is terribly anti-gun.

But once again, I agree with you. With just a little bit of advanced planning your spouse could be a LOT more help than what you describe they had her doing.
I've seen most of the ones I believe, the whole gopher thing I suppose is alright in that scenario, after all it is just a scenario. I feel like she states that she doesn't have much firearm experience in it but I could be wrong. The scenario that really puts it into perspective for me was the one when the guys wife was being harassed outside of the "convenient store" in which he proceeds to get in a shoot out with no cover. The instructors had plenty to touch on in that scenario and just goes to show how you can get tunnel vision in a risky scenario. Overall I think it's a pretty neat and useful series and I myself would enjoy taking place in similar styled training.
When it starts the father grabs the pistol and goes to check it out. proceeds to exchange rounds then has the wife retrieve the rifle for him. That's about the extent of her interaction until the baby needs to be picked up. So everything is riding on this father fighting two guys and winning. I took issue with that. He could be struck immediately by a round when coming around the corner and be put out of the fight. Also after they cross the hallway she runs in to a dark room that has two entrances unarmed while her husbands back is to her. Could be someone in there they could just completely ignore her and attack while his back is turned, take her hostage or just outright shoot her.

Maybe they wanted to concentrate on what you could do yourself when you've got no help or are stuck with someone that is terribly anti-gun.
... With just a little bit of advanced planning your spouse could be a LOT more help than what you describe they had her doing.

I agree, but your assuming a willing partner. My wife wants little to do with guns, and even less to do with planning for a home invasion. I'm not sure if she just doesn't take the threat seriously or she doesn't want to think about the reality of it (more the latter I believe). So if the unthinkable happens I'll do my thing (likely "pie slicing" as quickly as possible to get to my son, I've rehearsed it by myself many times) while she will bolt and run straight to his room into the darkness without thought.

For some of us, its probably about the best we can do.
I also liked when the girl @ the robbery got shot quite a few times when she tried to draw on the robber when it wasn't the right time
Something I would like to see taught in CC classes. I don't like the idea of the bad guy knowing I have a firearm until (if) I get an opening. If they get the drop on me and not firing, I am keeping my weapon secret ;) .
Another thing I noticed being mentioned was about weapon type, preferably a full size. Something that comes up a lot on TFL as well as many forums.

I carry full size less than what I use to out of convenience. I was always against compacts except for backup. Going against my own advice, not good.

Looking at some of the distances in these engagements, the full size is staying.;)

Good share.:) Saw some on there I have not seen before.
Another thing I noticed being mentioned was about weapon type, preferably a full size. Something that comes up a lot on TFL as well as many forums.

But if you can't conceal a full size (small framed person, whatever), carry what you can. Or maybe learn (from an experienced trainer perhaps?) how you can conceal a full size better and commit to practice and perhaps necessary clothing?

Just saw what looks like a follow-up to the ep the OP saw (instead of the girl going on her own to fetch the kid, she follows at his back while he moves down the hall providing cover. Seemed pretty effective, assuming a perpetual hadn't already made it to that room (although seems reasonable under the circumstances that the room would be clear).

My only question is, they went over sling use with the AR. He received the AR after he was already engaged with the pistol. Would someone really take the time to don a sling properly at this point? I think I'd just shoulder the rifle and let the sling hang at this point. What would be the more sound tactic?
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My only question is, they went over sling use with the AR. He received the AR after he was already engaged with the pistol. Would someone really take the time to don a sling properly at this point? I think I'd just shoulder the rifle and let the sling hang at this point. What would be the more sound tactic?

It depends on who you ask. I am guessing the reason he slung his rifle was habits built from training. You do that over and over it just becomes natural. Or he did it because it was a 'test' and he was concerned it would be an issue. I'd say the former but you never know.

Its usually easier and more effective to memeroize one method of doing things regardless of the situation. TRB even if your gun is DA and can restrike your taught regardless of this to do TRB and get your gun running again.

Looking at some of the distances in these engagements

Ha, I know right? Some of those people got down right humbled. Some more the others. Knife one was probably my favorite for that. He had that same "i have a gun, he's only got a knife..." mindset you see all over the place.