
It would be easier if you could break it down to what TYPE of gunsmithing.
Rifles or shotguns.
Making stocks.
Metal finishing...........

A good source of books is from Brownell's Gunsmithing Supply. They sell about everything that's worth having.
The best pistolsmithing books available are the Jerry Kuhnhausen series.

These are gun-specific, with volumes on the Colt 1911 autos, the Colt Python-type revolvers, the Colt King Cobra types, the S&W revolvers, the Ruger's, and the Colt Single Action.
There are also volumes on several rifles and the Remington shotguns.

These books were written as a training aid to teach new pistolsmiths how to work on specific guns.

Although the books assume that you have the basic skills, and don't go into details on HOW to operate lathes or milling machines, this is an excellent way to start you training.

Again, Brownell's have some of the older general gunsmithing books, and these typically cover a range of techniques like filing, soft soldering, silver brazing, stock work, etc.

One word of warning on the older gunsmithing books: These were written back in the days of the "get it to work" school.
In those days a man's labor was cheap, but parts were expensive and VERY hard to get.
So, most of these techniques involved heating and bending, building up parts, and in general using techniques no longer acceptable.

Read these books to learn the various methods of working metal and wood, and the general methods used in gunsmithing, BUT follow the methods in the Kuhnhausen books.
Kuhnhausen was a fanatic about doing ti "The RIGHT way", which is usually the factory way.

Since Kuhnhausen actually trained gunsmiths, he focused on doing work the factory-recommended way, and restoring a gun to factory specs.

Today, parts are plentiful and fairly cheap. Using the old "shade tree" gunsmith's techniques are no longer acceptable. Although these methods will get the gun to work, they aren't RIGHT.
Follow kunhausen's methods, and you'll be doing it properly.

When you order a Kuhnhausen book from Brownell's, they will send you a free catalog of gunsmithing tools. Another source of tooling is Midway in Missouri.

Get both, and look over the book selection.
After buying a Kuhnhausen book, you'll have a better idea of what tools to buy.

To start off, the MOST used gunsmith tool is a good set of gunsmith's screwdrivers.
The Brownell's replaceable tip Master set is the best screwdriver made.
Part I : Automatic Pistols Revised Edition by J.B. Wood
Part II: Revolvers Revised Edition by J.B. Wood


The NRA Guide to Pistols and Revolvers Revised and Expanded

I also recommend a copy of Gun Parts Catalog, which ever one's current, if FOR NO OTHER REASON than you get exploded diagrams, which CAN be helpful at times.


These are the books I PURCHASED while at Gunsmithing school back in 1997. When I had the money, I added Kuhnhausen's series to my gunsmithing library, cause they are THE BEST, but these run a close second. And are cheaper, if they are still in print.

Hope that helps
Smithy Book

Try "Gunsmithing" by Roy Dunlap. Some of the material is dated, but he was a helluva Smith. Lots of information in there to keep you busy. It was my first book, many moons ago.

Be sure to go to Ebay and type in "Gunsmithing" in the search box. I have bought many gunsmithing books off of Ebay for a fraction of the cost of newer ones. Some are the old classics, some newer ones. I've learned something from every book I've read. The suggestions from the earlier posts are all good ones.
Good shooting, John K