Gunsmith training


I'm thinking about getting some gunsmith training. If it goes well, I'd like to open a small repiar shop when I retire from my current job. Due to my family & job, it would have to be a correspondence course. I'm thinking of A.G.I. Any suggestions? (Also-Badger Arms- my reply to you is under my 1st post.)
Bo2, I'm old fashioned and prefer the written word to videos but from the 2 AGI videos I've seen they are very good. I started in smithing with a correspondence course 25 years ago. The advantage is that you don't have to quit your job and move to where a gunsmith college is located. The disadvantage is the lack of hands on training and not having an instructor at your side to answer a question while the reason you ask it is fresh in your mind. The AGI course seems to be much more detailed than the one I took but as most of these courses mine covered mainly the basics of all aspects of smithing. E-mail me if you like and I'll tell you how to get a copy of the one I took. George
If there's a good 'smith near you, he might let you apprentice under him. I'm an armourer, and I've been hanging out at (almost living at) a local 'smith's shop. I've learned quite a bit. For the machine work, I'm going to a local tech college for coursework (I don't want to make too much of a nuisance of myself), and same for welding. Try getting the basic skills from your local tech college.
George is "da-man"!

I suggest you move to a small town in Kentucky and spend some time with George! I have corresponded with him before TFL was a gleam in Riche's eye. He has years of experience and is honest. He has helped me find parts for obscure guns, worked on one of my prized possessions and in my opinion is one of the finest individuals I have met. As he said, doing is everything. Spend some time with a master and actually doing is the best experience of all. I can replace parts, but machining, fitting, knowing the tricks takes experience that a vidio can't give you. If you can't move to Kentucky, check with folks in your area and find the best, then go spend time helping and learning! We need all the good politically un-correct gunsmiths we can get!