Gunsite "Tactical Roundtable"

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
Attended a two-day "tactical roundtable’ at Gunsite this weekend. Range Master was Giles Stock. The class was mostly made up of LEOs who write for gun magazines and trainers (Ken Hackathorn was there). Hosted by Xpress Sights (formerly AO Sights), the object of the event was to showcase what’s new at Gunsite and to unveil Xpress Sights’ new line of big dot and white stripe front sights with tritium for AR’s.

What I was most impressed with was that almost all classes at Gunsite will now have force-on-force training with Simunitions. I was very impressed with the Sims training (held in The Pit for those familiar with Gunsite). This was the not the free-for-all found so often with Sims, where the focus seems to be how many welts everyone can raise on each other bodies.

Gunsite has trained their Op-Force very well and are using professional actors in the scenarios. The scenarios were tightly scripted and you did not get "shot" if you did everything right, but if you made a mistake you could count on getting tagged. Great training at a great facility.

Before you ask, the only flowered shirt I saw was worn by Shimizu-san—but he can pull it off without anyone laughing


I wish I had known you were there! I would've shaken your hand. I saw a bunch of old grizzled folks eating lunch; I assume one of them was you :) I was one of the young guys eating MRE's at the far table.