Gunsite, Schweeeeeet!

  • Thread starter Thread starter olazul
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I had the opportunity to take the Gunsite tactical pistol course- #250, last week and thought I would give a report.

I learned more in that week about tactics, training, and pistols than I have accumulated over 35 years. To say it is worthwhile is a gross understatement. Our rangemaster was Howard Hall, superb instructor, even better human being. We had a small group of five and shot close to 1,350 rounds of ammo. I'll try to do a brief overview:

Day #1- Half the day was spent in the classroom being taught the "basics" of safety and our weapons. Kinda boring if you know anything about weapons, but very necessary also. Included was a lecture on the futre of gunsite. The rest of the day was on the range firing from the guard position (low ready) controlled pairs and accuracy work from 3, 5 , and 7yds.

Day #2- We learned the presentation from the holster, all drills from this point on were from the holster. Again controlled pairs, head shots, and accuracy from 3, 5, 7, 10yds. We learned the Mozambique drill and learned the kneeling and prone shooting positions @ 15 & 25 yds.

Day #3- Warmed up with above drills. Sped up the double taps into "hammers". Started to do double taps on multiple(3) targets. Learned the 90 and 180 degree turns. More shooting from kneeling and prone postions. Started working with the timer for a head shot in 1.5 seconds and a double tap at 7yds in 1.5 seconds to get an idea of time. At the end of the day learned about "pieing" and other tactics and did a walk through on an enclosed and outside simulator for tactics.

Day # 4- Another quick warm up of hammers, head shots, accuracy. Lots of work on 180 degree turns and multiple targets. More shooting from the kneeling and prone positions. Worked on the (forget the name) 180 degree turn and 5 targets at 7 yds. The second half of the day was spent in an indoor and outdoor simulator firing live rounds. That night we worked on lowlight, dark, and flashlight techniques. There was a CCW course offered for 75 bucks in place of dinner which would be finished the next day.

Day #5- Warmed up in the a.m. and shot for mumeric scores quickly. More practice with multiple targets and turns. Spent some more time in indoor and outdoor simulators with more challenging floorplans. Ended the class with the shootoff. Ended the day by walking over to the col's house and meeting him. Heard stories of Africa and the future of gunsite. Actually got a tour of his armory and got to handle his personal Steyr Scout :)! Way cool experience.

I have forgotten some stuff and muddled other things in my description I'm sure. There were several "mini" lectures while reloading on ballistics, accessories, tactics, etc... and 2 more classroom lectures on tactics, ccw, and legal aspects.

In short- the staff was superb, the training excellent, and I will be back for the #350 class and more. It was nice to see the Col. back in and becoming more active, hopefully this continues. Time will tell.


I would love to take classes from Gunsite. How do you get a hold of 'em, though? What sort of beginner's tactical- type courses do they have, and how much $$$ do they run? I'm half afraid something like this might have to be my wife and I's (grammer?) 10th anniversary gift to each other. 9 years to go... :(

Lady Justice has been raped, truth assassin;
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in;
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal;
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price we pay- nothing can save us
Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone
Pulling your strings,Justice is done...
Seeking no truth, winning is all,
Find it so grim, so true, so real....

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

You can get the complete course list (including costs) at

Warning: they ain't cheap. Tac Pistol costs, IIRC, $850 plus ammo.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.." Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
I just wet my leg! ;)

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain, and most fools do.
Benjamin Franklin
(scratch, scratch)

Okay. To the list (scratch, scratch) of things that cause
(scratch, scratch) hives, we can now confirm the addition
of "jealousy" and "envy".

(scratch, scratch, mumbled epithets, pouting...)
Sounds a lot like the class I took in Jr. Colledge. Was some of the most fun I've ever had. Especially the timed course. Our final was putting our wheel guns back together blind folded. We had to take them completely apart and put the parts into a shoe box. Stir them up, put on the blind fold and away we went. Had 30 minutes to get it back together. I practiced for a couple of weeks on this, studying for the final. Best I ever did on the combat course was 287 out of a possible 300 and I was the second highest score in the class. First place went to a 292. Then our instructor ran through the course to show us how it was done. He turned in a 298.

One of the other fun things we got to do in the class was to shoot the sheriff's thompson 45 full auto. We each had to purchase our own box of shells. What a blast. Five minutes to put the shells in the clip for less than two seconds of fire.

One of these days I hope to be able to take another class like this.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
On cost-

Right now if you buy a 30$ video they give you a 200$ off coupon for LE and first timers, so I got the course for 650$. Still a chunk for sure, but it made the sting a little better. I feel I definitely got my money's worth and then some.

I know of an antidote in Arizona! ;)


[This message has been edited by olazul (edited November 04, 1999).]
It's great to hear that Colonel Cooper was being used. Did he give the Opening Lecture....more, please!

On a very sad note, the newly appointed Chief Operating Officer, Claibourne "Bud" Dykes was killed in the crash of a small plane this past Sunday. Bud was on a hunting trip in Idaho when the outfitter's plane went down.

I never met Bud, but have heard good things of him. Condolences to his family and everyone on the hill.
Rich Lucibella

I was floored with the news of Bud. I did not know him well but he made it a point to get to know all the students. He gave the opening lecture and made it a point to go out in the evenings on occasion with my class and the 223 class. He was a very dynamic and upbeat man, I could tell immediately he was one of the "good guys". His death is a cruel tragedy. I could tell that Bud was very excited with the opportunity and challenge facing him.

Rich, see email I sent you for the rest of the post.


Must be time to buy another tape...

Congrats olazul - I am green with envy (I know, go to AZ, Get the cure - Better than Betty Ford I'll wager)