Gunsite rumour: meeting with new owner by Fred Muller

Shutoku Shia

New member
I got the following from ScoutRifles-L
newsgroup. The following email post is
reposted via writer's permission.

Shutoku Shia

Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 19:30:30 -0400
From: "Fred Muller" <>
Subject: Meeting with the New Owner of Gunsite

Greetings All--

Just returned from a trip that lasted eight
days and wanted to give a report on a
meeting that I had with the new owner of
Gunsite on Monday October 18th. Mr. Buz
Mills, the new owner, is from Florida, and
has been involved for many years in the
telecommunications field. He is a multiple
Gunsite student (Gray) and multiple Thunder
Ranch student. He is married and in the
process of buying a home in Prescott Valley.

Buz states the he wants to return to and
emphasize Jeff's modern technique and plans
on reprinting Jeff's publications as well as
Greg Morrison's book, "The Modern Technique
of the Pistol". To that end, he has been
trying to find Morrison, so if any of you
out there know his whereabouts, please let
Buz know or have Morrison contact Buz

In our discussion, Buz indicated that there
were many items he had on his list of things
that needed to be done at the Ranch. First
and foremost is to take care of the needed
repairs to the existing structures. Many of
the buildings have leaking roofs and are
infested with termites, so repairs are

Buz has hired an engineering company to
assist in adding some new ranges, correcting
some of the existing ones (especially the
rifle range), and to provide for a better
drainage system so the ranges and buildings
don't flood. Also on the list are plans for
additional structures to replace
the temporary buildings--administration,
Pro Shop, classrooms, Gunsmithy et
al. This will be accomplished over time.

With respect to training, Buz wants to
continue with the existing programs,
making sure that the "Doctrine" is
maintained. From his marketing
background, he wants to put together
training packages where one price
covers all--training, room and board,
ammunition and maybe in the future
have the package include airfare from
gateway cities. He is buying
ammunition in bulk so that he can
provide it to the students at distributor
prices. He will negotiate with Lodges,
Hotels, and Motels in the area for
the best rates available for the
students. And he will be redeveloping the
Campgrounds, possibly with RV hookups.

Now for the big question---His relationship
with Jeff. I believe that Buz
wants Jeff to oversee the curriculum,
provide the classroom lectures, and
assist in getting his books and writings
republished. Where there may be
some friction between Buz and Jeff
is in Jeff's desire to approve the hiring
of the staff. I don't believe that Buz is
willing to relinquish that much
control to anyone since it is his
investment that is at risk.

Buz appears to be very open-minded to
suggestions and is willing to meet with
anyone who can further the ideals of
Gunsite. While from a legal viewpoint the
correct terminology is Gunsite Academy,
it will be called, and known as, Gunsite.
Buz also suggested the possibility of
holding Jeff's pistol and rifle
classes at Gunsite as well as the
Annual Reunion. While anything would be
better than the previous owner, Buz Mills
appears to be a gentleman and is
truly a breathe of fresh air. If anyone
would like to discuss my meeting
further, please contact me off list.

Keep the home fires burning


[This message has been edited by Shutoku Shia (edited October 26, 1999).]
If Buz and Jeff can work out their differences...

Well, I'd planned on going to Europe next fall. But then, why would I want to traipse around a collection of socialist nations where guns are considered the epitome of evil, when I can go to Gunsite?

"Janet Reno is the fire that ignites my loins."
--Joe Cartoon
I received a sitrep, by phone, from both Colonel and Mrs. Cooper yesterday. As to "friction", they indicated none to me, though they both view the transition with guarded optimism. Colonel Cooper's latest "Commentaries" also demonstrate and upbeat mindset..."guarded optimism" were the words he used, I believe. In this light, these "rumors" are counterproductive to a Gunsite rebirth.

If Buzz wishes to return to the "Orange Gunsite Doctrine", as he stated to Jeff when he asked for his blessing, it's real simple. He need only return to the Doctrine of the Pursuit of Excellence.

To this end, Mr. Mills would do well to heed Jeff Cooper's counsel regarding curriculum and trainer qualification. Cooper developed and refined both...everything since has been downhill. I have seen no evidence that either Buzz or his second, Bud, are opposed to this. Nor have I seen any evidence that Colonel Cooper or Janelle refuse to listen to reason. (I've been in these discussions with both the Coopers, as has Mykl, as has Harry Humphries...and this is simply not the case).

Nor do I believe that Mr. Mills has stated to a third party that there is already "friction" between he and the Colonel. This would be foolhardy, and from my brief conversations with him in the pretakeover days, he is no fool.

The Coopers need no defense. If Buzz is a man of his word, and I have no reason to think otherwise, all will work out. I suggest we all take a deep breath and allow these two parties time to work together without the baggage of "he said, she said" rumors.

Rich Lucibella

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited October 26, 1999).]
I think this is going to be a very good thing for Gunsite. (being an outsider looking in) This is of interest to me as I am wanting to attend Gunsite within the next 8 months...

Well - after Jan 1st that plan may change...
Credit Unions are FDIC insured right?

It would be very nice to take a class from Cooper - i have been reading his stuff since... Hell - I think my Dad read his stuff to me while I was still in the crib!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited October 27, 1999).]
Credit Unions are FDIC insured right?

NCUA. Same meal, different flavor.

Dear Feds:
You can't have them. Stop trying to take them.

ps: BITE ME!

Lemme know when you're going-- I, too want to get in while Cooper has input. Hell, I was 7 or 8 when Dad went 20 years ago (Brighter days of Gunsite Orange, when Cooper personally taught large parts of all classes, lectured in all of them.), and his stuff was like Mother Goose for me.

Now, the question is how to get this past the wife. Anybody got a clue as to tuition? Do I want to know? I'm headed over to the website. Ouch!! $850 for 5 days for Gunsite Grey.. what will the revised tuition be for New Gunsite? Actually, if it remains the same price, that's not too unreasonable, for 5 days. But then there's room and board, and travel, and let's not forget that 1000+ rds of .45 acp! Call it $1200, if done on the cheap and with my reloads.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited October 28, 1999).]
The cost is considerable...
Last year I had a good tax return that helped buy our new van.
I cant think of a better way to spend any tax return than on gun related items...
From a simple Magazine subscription, NRA Membership, Box of Shells, new Pistol, or a Class at Gunsite! What ever dollar you get back - if any - spend it within our beloved Gun Culture.
Long Path - I will let you know in time to make some plans... Taking a class from the Guru - what could be better?
"Ah, Sir... Could you sign my Scout Rifle?"

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited October 28, 1999).]

Off topic, but important, nonetheless.

Any tax return represents an interest-free loan to the government. Do you really want to do that?

Better to be in an underpaid situation (though not so much that you invoke underpayment penalties), and have your money earning big returns for you elsewhere, and then pay when the return is due.