Gunsite buy out?

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I heard somewhere recently that someone bought Gunsite from Richard Jee and that Jeff Cooper will get back involved. Has anyone heard any other details?
There were several posts a month or so ago by Rich. Try a search and you should be able to bring them up!

I am not a dangerous psychotic!
I just play one at work.
A recent issue of Cooper's 'Commentaries' stated that grey Gunsite was sold; the philosophy of Gunsite III not definitely known. Col. Cooper's future involvement dependent on developments. Hope it gets squared away as I would like to send my son and daughter there some time...

Can someone provide a little more information about the recent history of Gunsite?

For example, why did COL Cooper sell it to Richard Jee (who is this man, anyway)?

Why did COL Cooper disapprove of the way that "Gunsite II" was run?

Who bought it now from Richard Jee?

Etc., etc.



For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
I heard the same thing about Gunsite, that Cooper would be involved in it again.

I don't think there will be a lot of involvment becuase of Col. Coopers health, age and other commitments. However, as you probably know, he still maintains a home on the hill at Gunsite and live there with his family. I heard there was quite a party, at Col. Coopers home, the night that Richard Jee left.

Although I personally have a few problems with Gunsite, Richard Jee, and even the current management, I truely hope they have success breing it back. They have a large wealth of extremely fine instructors which comprise some of the best talents in the industry.

It is my understanding the new ownership is planning to invest a lot of money in capital improvements and have would like a relationship with Col. Cooper, but they seem to have little plans in how they will market the new Gunsite Academy, Inc.

Gunsite for the most part, started the industry and I really hope they can hold on against some really advanced schools throughout the West and East.

Best Regards....
"Train to Defend, Train to Survive, Train to Win"

Here is the short:

Col Cooper was having financial difficulties. Richard Jee, a Gunsite rangemaster and personal friend of Cooper's, bought it from Cooper and subsequently replaced Cooper's curriculum and banned his presence on the Ranch.

Earlier this year, again for financial reasons, Rich Jee sold Gunsite Training Center to Owen "Buzz" Mills, a wealthy entrepeneur from Florida. Cooper is again onsite, though the extent of his influence remains to be seen.

Thanks for the response.

If Richard Jee was a personal friend of Colonel Cooper, why did he change the curriculum and ban his presence? That's strange, coming from a personal friend.

BTW, I heard/read him being referred to as Dr. Richard Jee. What kind of doctor/Ph.D. is he?

Lastly, has Own Mills been previously associated with Gunsite in anyway (a student, perhaps)?



For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
Richard Jee was a pharmacist by trade. I think Richard had some ideas about Gunsite that did not agree with Col. Cooper and the so-called freindship went south quickly after Richard Jee took over.

I don't think Richard Jee personally changed any of the class curriculums, although I'm sure he approved the changes and was involved in the changes to an extent. I personally know of one senior instructor who changed the Tactical Pistol 250 course and understand from him that other instructors changed other courses as a matter of updating with minor changes.

Owen Mills has no other relationship with Gunsite prior to the purchase other than he and his wife were students.

Hope this helps....

Best Regards.....
"Train as You Live and Live as You Train"
While there are plenty of gunwriters out there who don't know their *sshole from their elbow, don't underestimate Chuck Taylor. Rumors abound about his personal issues, he is by all personal accounts a top rate instructor and has immense personal ability.

I don't think he will be associated with Gunsite anytime soon.


Suffice it to say that the Cooper/Jee relationship deteriorated quickly after the changeover.

Street Smart Professional Equipment
One thing I realy like about Chuck Taylor is that when you run into him he talks to you.I don't find him stuck up like many other people in the industry.I have spent a number of hours in a gun shop in Prescott just shootin the bull him so on a personal level I think he is a decent sort.I have never taken any classes from him(can't afford)so I can't make a judgement call there.
Due to some of the glaring errors and contradictions in Chuck Taylor's writings, I seriously have to question whether he knows what he is talking about.
Anyone's writing is going to contain some subjective opinions, but I am not aware of any "glaring errors and contradictions" in Taylor's work (not that I've read it all). Cite a few of these for us, please.

Taylor was still at Gunsite when I took my API250 in 1980. He was the primary instructor for the class and was excellent. All reports would indicate that he has remained an excellent instructor over the intervening years. He is certainly well grounded in the modern technique of the pistol, having made the U.S. IPSC team along with such markmen as Ross Seyfried and John Shaw.

One may not like Taylor's writing style. One may tire of reading the same basic Taylor articles time and time again and find it more interesting to read some other writer waxing enthusiatic over the latest fad or gizmo. One might even get fed up with the "professional's professional" stuff in Taylor's articles, but there ought be no question that he knows what he's talking about.

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