Gunshow checks on private sales


New member
Now that it's a foregone conclusion that this crappy piece of legislation is going to become law - how, exactly, are they going to do this?

Are we supposed to just walk up to dealers at the gun show and say "Please, sir, would you run a background check for us"? Or will shows have someone there just to handle private sales.

Or will they just suspend private sales at gun show all together?

If I understand correctly, the Feds don't allow just anybody to ask for a check so how are they going to do it? Or perhaps none of our ignorant leaders thought that far ahead...


Its irrelevent how we could accomplish it, the "law" just cares that it be done. Can't do it? Don't know how to do it? Too bad, then no sale.

Its a clever move and one they've wanted to pull off for years...the net result is that transfers will be severely curtailed and they'll have records on the ones that attempted the BG check whether they do go through or not

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I had to break away today to make some money and I dont understand what they passed. Nobody is happy so it must have been some kind of compromise.

Better days to be,

Jeff OTMG, forget it, the Republicans have a majority, we dont. My representative is supposedly Republican but will vote for the bill, so will one of the other two Republicans in my area. The third Republican is a chicken$..t who is supposedly pro gun but will fold.

They need to change their symbol from an elephant to chicken little.

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited May 14, 1999).]
It's my understanding that this amendment failed to make them mandatory.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Gun-control advocates believed the April 20 shootings in suburban
Denver would help their efforts. But the Senate on Wednesday rejected,
51-47, a measure by Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., that would have
imposed mandatory background checks on private sales of guns at gun
shows. The law already requires checks on dealer sales at gun shows.

Senators instead voted 53-45 for Craig's voluntary background checks.

``The U.S. Senate learned very little from Littleton,'' Sen. Dick Durbin,
D-Ill., told reporters after the votes.

Reno told her weekly news conference: ``I am stunned that less than one
month after the worst school shooting in our nation's history, the Senate
has decided to make it easier for felons, fugitives and other prohibited
purchasers to buy guns,'' Reno said.

And she said Craig's amendment ``actually weakened one of the most
effective gun laws we have ever had.''

She said that amendment ``may be disguised as gun-show legislation, but
make no mistake: It will not prevent criminals and children from buying
deadly weapons at gun shows. Instead, it will jeopardize our ability to
continue the background checks that we currently do.''

Aides explained that the Craig amendment would repeal the requirement
that pawnshops conduct background checks on people redeeming their
own guns. Such pawnshop checks have been required only since last
Nov. 1.

Reno said the part of the NRA that fears any gun regulation will lead to
federal control needs ``to relax for a while.'' She maintained that a
majority of citizens supports guns checks and that the Brady Act that
provides for them has not inconvenienced law-abiding gun users.

The sponsor of voluntary checks on gun sales said his measure struck a
better balance between caution and the rights of gun owners and sellers.

Craig said the Democratic bill, sponsored by Lautenberg, would have
unfairly cracked down on ``private citizens who come to gun shows and
engage in discussion with other private citizens and decide to exchange or
sell their guns.''

``Is that a loophole?'' asked Craig. [/quote]


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Just another part concerning background checks:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>``If a gun is transacted at a gun show, there should be a background
check -- that is not a huge imposition on the Second Amendment,'' Smith
said. [/quote]

As Menos has so aptly expressed, "What part of 'INFRINGED' don't they understand?"


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
You seem to be a day behind. The Senate Repubs caved and voted thru effectively the Libs gunshow requirements.
Thats why we are so pissed.....they reversed themselves.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Yes, the Dealer transactions, but what about private party transactions? Am I still a day late and a dollar short on that one?


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
checks across the board.....I buy from you or you buy from me. Check req'd

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

But give them time.
Here in CA it is alreadytechnically illegal to do direct private party transfers. In fact, newspapers don't take classifieds for guns anymore.

So I can't even place an ad that says go see my Benelli at Joe's Gun Shop on Main St.

But, its only enforceable with newer firearms...i.e. those that were purchased at gun/sporting shops within the last few years as there is the paper trail

CA is going to be a test this year...we have some draconian laws on the docket.
One will require registration of any kind of any type; one will require a permit for ownership even within your own house

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited May 15, 1999).]
Dunno about Mexican Nationals, but a turista that even has one bullet (no gun) or spent brass can get 5 yrs in a Mexican prison.

That happens to a lot of Texans and Californians who forgot to clean their cars before a day trip across the border.

I would never drive my truck to Mexico...there's .22 brass in evry nook and cranny :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"