Gunshow arrests


New member
Just saw on the local news that three people were arrested for selling firearms to a undercover agent. Seems that the agent was buying a firarm but didn't have a purchase permit.
Anyone else seeing this at other gunshows?

Tiro per divertimento, tiro per la sopravvivenza
UPDATE: The three people that were arrested were FFL dealers, seems the agents flashed some money and purchased a handgun from each dealer without having a pistol permit.
Now I wonder If they (the dealers)think it was worth losing their FFL,which I'm sure they will lose.

Tiro per divertimento, tiro per la sopravvivenza

Can you give us some additional info, as to the Gun Show Promoters, and the town/area in which this occurred? Local politics have been getting strained regarding similar indications of intent in the NoVA & surrounding areas.
This happened in Charlotte, North Carolina and the show promoter was C&E Gun Shows (Steve Elliott,Blackburg Va.)
The sting opperation was conducted by Meckenburg Sheriff's Dept. News said that the ATF was going to investigate other violations on federal level.
One dealer was from Va.
One from South Carolina
One from local area

[This message has been edited by Bushwhacker (edited June 13, 1999).]
Thank you very much for the details. Time's a'wastin, now I gotta talk to a few folks 'bout this sorta mess.

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
The Second Amendment is deader than s***, boys. Jus' re-read the original post - 'specially the REASON for the ARRESTS: NO PIECE OF STATE-APPROVED PAPER GRANTING PERMISSION TO BUY HANDGUNS. What a JOKE to think that anything less than a Second American Revolution is going to restore American Freedom. Just don't KID yourself thinking that you still have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms. Not in THIS country, bruddah! Over thirty-thousand local, state and federal gun-LAWS back me up on this. What 'chu got? Musty old piece of PAPER called the Constitution? WHAT'S THAT?
I think at every gun show they (anti-gun people) are trying to get press coverage. At the Denver Tanner Gun Show (June 5th and 6th) the Colorado Coalition Against Gun Violence tried to purchase illegal arms with the use of naive 18 year old. I'm sure their press conference was a little bit of dud as they were unable to induce any of the FFL's into an illegal sale.
When selling firearms at these types of shows if the persons selling firearms follows the laws of whatever state they happen to be in there won't be any trouble with local of federal authorities. Pretty simple..... The post stating follow the money trail pretty much sums up what happened. greed = stupidity. 12-34hom - out.
thanks for the post. At the last show I was at, it was a sad sad site. It was almost empty, not like the days of old. Anyhow, I am rambling, so I will go now. Be well.
At the show it was so crowded that it was very hard to walk down the rows. Wonder if this had something to do with Y2k or the new gunshow laws fixing to be heard?
The thing thatgets me here in NC is they charge $5.00 per permit to purchase a handgun and you still have to get a nics done ! It's just as I thought all about the money trail!!!!!

Tiro per divertimento, tiro per la sopravvivenza
Yeah, when I had lived in NC for a couple of years I found that really odd. (Coming from OH.)Just another money generating scam. Friends told me the best thing to do while jumping through this hoop was to pay the $5 check (and 48 hour wait) and $15 for three permits. (I can't remember if there was a maximum number of permits you could get per check or not.)

Oddly enough, when I finally decided to get some permits and recieved them, I moved back to OH. Really showed them how I felt about those permits, huh? What a waste of $20. Still got the forms though.

- Ron V.

Bushwhacker, I live in the Charlotte area too and heard about the arrests. I'm also looking for a range to shoot at in the area. Any suggestions? E-mail me at Thanks.

From: Ivan8883 6-15-99 1252PM EDT I was at the Charlotte Gun Show in April and was told you could not buy a handgun without a local permit. People told me that ,at the previous, show 17 people were arrested for violating this law which is a local law.But no restrictions on long guns. I was from out of state and spent my time buying knives! Ivan
Well, I think Ivan just cleared this up for me, a bit anyhow. I'm sitting here thinking "permit? To BUY a handgun, not carry it? What are we talking about?" If it's a local law, we're talking about a tax stamp, gee whiz another hidden tax. Whether that will equate to losing FFLs or not is an interesting question, I don't see how it could. Or were you saying that there was no background check done at all, in which case bye-bye FFL, but I can hardly imagine that happening, at least not to a professional.
In NC if you as Jo Citizen (non FFL) want to sell a handgun you must get a pistol purchase permit from the person you sell your handgun to and keep it in your file. Or you are in violation of a a state stature. A $50 misdemeanor. Until Littlton this was almost never inforced!
Also NC is a NICS exempt state. Here you have your choice (some f#$%*n choice) you can have the required backround check done by the County Sheriff Dept (if approved you can pay $5 and receive a pistol purchase permit form) or you can go through NICS. The only up side is, if there is a up side, is that having the check done at the county level keeps the paper trail at the county level.


For those that keep track of such things; 9,462 irradiated haggis.