Gunshop Commandos and Armchair Pistoleros

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New member
We've all run into those hardons at the range and in the gunshop that really make you hope the local news station doesn't interview them the next time there's gun control legislation pending.

Let's share some stories...

Tell us about the worst cases of testasterone poisoning you've witnessed.

- Anthony
Good point, LP.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited August 04, 1999).]
Although many of us have stories like the one above (I might even have one or two myself [shudder]), I propose that we end this thread. This is a public forum, and, while we are virtually all derisive of such stories, they may well provide "ammunition" for lurkers to use out of context about us.
I, too, agree with Longpath. Look guys, we are losing the war because of the actions of a few: a hand full of punk brats and a couple of nutbars like Barton are giving us more gun laws.

Sure lets show that there are more irresponsible folks with if
HCI needs anymore ammo to crucify us.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
there are losers in all walks of life. but more losers in the disarm-america group!
lets talk more about how guns have helped people!
in case anyone has forgotten history,(today in this country history must not be taught in school anymore.)guns were invented and perfected so us weak people could defend ourselves against the goblins in the world.
how bad would crime be if guns were banned?
unbeleivable would hardly describe it!
Hi guys,

Good points. Remember putting something on a bulletin board is not confiding it to friends, it is shouting it on the equivalent of national TV.

So keep it reasonable, tone it down, and think about all the people who can tune in just the way you do. If you don't care about what you say, think about the rest of us who will look bad as well.

I agree w/ LongPath. Who wants to show the worst side to all. Sounds like lurking bait to me. Besides I know more anti's that do worse things than any people that I have met on the Range. Seems to me most people on the range take safety and responsibility to a personal level and very rarely do I meet anyone that is a "radical". Most only spout off because they are fed-up w/ the B.S. that outlaws types of rifles based on how they look and not their actual function.(ie. AR's I like to think of as "Freedom Rifles" equal to Revolutionary War "blunder buss's" mostly used to plink or punch holes, not to kill and maim in a hold up.)
To a point, I agree with Jim. I don't let on about my true feelings because I might sound a 'little off the rocker'. But there is a point where political correctness to CYA can be a bad thing. I mean from shooting humanoid silhouettes to round circle targets will get you nowhere but backwards. Sorry going off-topic.

Please close this thread.

Although I heartily disagree with what has been said about this thread, it is not developing into the spirited exchange of humorous experiences we've all run into in the various gun shops and ranges around the country of men trying to be a tad to manly. Not to discuss those who do stupid or questionable things on the range.

To me, there is enough material elsewhere on TFL for the antigunners to use against us in the fight for RKBA. No matter how much you neuter your comments, the liberals will always find something to use against you.

So if you are worried about the antis using your comments against you, then stop posting on TFL.

- Anthony

P.S. Thank you for the compliment Coinneach.
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