Gunsafe Humidity and Temp App


New member
Im looking for a combination of sensors and an app to monitor my gunsafe temp/humidity remotely via WiFi.

I like the LaCrosse system, except I wonder if the sensor will communicate through the safe.
Why do you need that info at the tip of your fingers at a moments notice ? Not being snarky , really want to know the reasoning . I live in southern CA so even with no central heating and no air conditioning at all . My internal house temp and humidity is not that bad .

I use one of these inside my safe along with a golden rod and it is almost always 70* & 40% humidity . It's never been under 69* or over 74* and never under 40% humidity or over 50% humidity and I open the safe at least once a week and every time I open it I look at the monitor .

My point to that is I've opened my safe enough through out a complete year in all environmental conditions of the area . I'm confident I know what the inside conditions are at any given time . Granted this is in a relatively stable area of the world as far as atmospheric conditions goes . I also have a rather large safe with significant insulation , I'm sure that doesn't hurt ;)
No experience with the LaCrosse system.
I use Oregon Scientific stuff. (Probably from the same Chinese factories as Accu-rite and LaCrosse.)

Yep. It's cheap. Really cheap.
But I can check the safes and gun cabinet from pretty much anywhere.

As I type this, my phone says the two safes are sitting at 73 F and 34% humidity (#1), and 72 F and 36% humidity (#2) [the difference is just in calibration tolerance(s)], with the "project cabinet" at 68 F and 43% humidity (no golden rod in that one) and wood [stocks and embellishments] and parts storage cabinet showing 64 F and 52% humidity (basement, up against the foundation, no golden rod), while the 'ambient' conditions are 68 F and 46% humidity.

My storage area is much more humid than I would like, and notably more humid than average in this area, due to certain incidental conditions. It's also more humid than the rest of the house. But that issue will be remedied ... eventually.
Bottom line: They work in/through the safes and (all metal) cabinets.

Why do you need that info at the tip of your fingers at a moments notice ? Not being snarky , really want to know the reasoning .
Yep. I agree. The only reason I know is because the base station is capable.
And that's just it...
I went with what I did because the base station could handle that many sensors. I could check, without opening each safe/cabinet, what the conditions were, from my work bench. The ability for bluetooth and wifi connectivity were almost superfluous. Prior to replying to this post, the last time that I checked the app for such on my phone was about three years ago.
Well, I live in Ohio that has apparently more variation than you see. I try to keep 70 F and 50% that from the NRA maybe...

I just wonder how it fluctuates and if I need to add more or less stuff to control temp/moisture.

I'm just about perfect when I check, but I check in the morning and evening mostly....I wonder if it fluctuates much.

Also, it is in the basement, so I also need something to monitor sump level and room conditions ideally.
Me said:
It's never been under 69* or over 74* and never under 40% humidity or over 50% humidity and I open the safe at least once a week and every time I open it I look at the monitor .

Well yesterday The weather made a liar out of me . Yesterday it was 92* here and I'm just a couple miles from the coast so that's really hot for my location . I looked in my safe and it was 79* in there :eek: so I can't say 74* is the hottest it ever gets any more :( Still not bad and that out side temp was a record so not the norm by any means , It's 83* right now at 1:30pm and should be the hottest it gets today .