Guns & Whiskey


New member
Just for fun…post your favorite guns with your favorite adult beverage…GO


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I had a buddy that always posted guns posed with vaping paraphernalia and I never understood that either. Some folks picture guns with watches. I suppose this is similar.

I don't drink much alcohol outside of beer, but maybe a bottle of Kahlua would be my entry in to this one. No idea how the heck I would pick the right handgun. Knowing me, it would be something off the beaten path.

But I got nuthin'. Free bump for this one.
I’ll need to get a photo of my favorite bottle of Scotch with my prized 1911 and post it here. I’ll do that when we get home from having the daughter at her grandparents for the day.
Hey Newguy: Ponder some on why alcohol, shooting ranges, CCW, patrol duty and hunting don't mix-- then maybe rethink whether your post is a good idea...
Drinking and handling firearms don't mix. I sort of get where you are coming from with trying to take a nice photo but its not a photo I would want to surface in court or on the news one day. It could be taken out of context.
Drinking and handling firearms don't mix. I sort of get where you are coming from with trying to take a nice photo but its not a photo I would want to surface in court or on the news one day. It could be taken out of context.

The photo doesn’t show me drinking and handling firearms…so what could be taken out of context?

I guess photos of guns and dogs could be construed as pet abuse…you might shoot fluffy!

As an example of art, picturing "well crafted" items together is something simply beyond the comprehension of some people.

This is what you get when kids don't pass (or even take) "art" class, and cannot or will not see beyond...
I can appreciate art and still personally think posting photos of my "favorite" firearm and "favorite" adult beverage together isn't the best idea. The two don't seem contradictory to me, but more power to everyone else.
would anyone get their knickers in a twist if the gun was pictured with a knife? A bowl of fruit? My favorite pizza?

Some people find "messages" where there actually aren't any...:rolleyes:

or more commonly, find a different message than the artist intended...
44 AMP said:
or more commonly, find a different message than the artist intended...

That's a fair point. However, an artist may care if their message is misinterpreted.

Alcohol isn't pizza and it's not a bowl of fruit. Consuming pizza and fruit while handling firearms or before handling firearms isn't likely to have as negative consequences as consuming alcohol, unless we want to entertain some pretty interesting scenarios. You're right that simply posting the two together doesn't mean they were consumed at the same time. However, I think it's fair to say that in capturing the two in the same photo in a pleasing manner there's an implication that the artist enjoys both and some might extend that to assuming the artist enjoys both at the same time. I don't see that as me blaming art or the artist, but more accepting the unfortunate realities of people viewing art, as you mentioned. I'm admittedly not what most anyone would call daring when it comes to artistic expression, so if others want to share their photos to the thread I hope they do so.
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Enough of the overwrought discussion, guys.

NONE of these posts show, advocate, or even hint at anyone handling/shooting firearms WHILE actively drinking alcoholic beverages.

NO ONE is staying that anyone should slam a couple of shots before going out shooting.

IF any posts go to that extent, STAFF will deal with them at that time.

Until then, your concerns have been registered. This is a community of hopefully responsible gun owners. Let the discussion flow.

Besides. Whiskey is disgusting. Gin is where it's at.
NONE of these posts show, advocate, or even hint at anyone handling/shooting firearms WHILE actively drinking alcoholic beverages.

NO ONE is staying that anyone should slam a couple of shots before going out shooting.

To be clear for the OP, I personally was not attempting to insinuate that is what they were doing. My concerns on perception were not meant to suggest they were irresponsible and if it came across that way I apologize.
So far, two moderators have posted in this thread, and been ignored. Let's make it a bit more clear:

The OP asked for PHOTOGRAPHS of a favorite gun with a favorite adult beverage. That's not very complicated. If you are not interested in posting a PHOTOGRAPH of your favorite gun with your favorite adult beverage ... DON'T POST.
Here's my humble contribution. And this is as close as my booze gets to my guns.....they never meet!


  • Bulleit with Bullets.jpg
    Bulleit with Bullets.jpg
    813.2 KB · Views: 123
I guess I’ll have to bring up another point to be ruled on by officials. Is posting a picture of a jug of booze and a Glock the same as using a real gun?
Not caring a whit about the panty wads, as explained by mods/admins, and having seldom posted, I humbly submit a thoroughly covered gun pic posted here and elsewhere:
Holster 07182022 (1) small.jpg

-jb, geez :rolleyes:
Aside. Jim567. if it's not too far off topic, the knife is fascinating. Well played.

-jb, share any info?