"Guns Under Fire"


New member
"Guns Under Fire" is scheduled for tomorrow night, October 14, at 10:00 p.m. ET on The Learning Channel. It was produced by CBS News.

A little history. Several months ago I was contacted by the show's producer, Sarah Safer, who wanted me to put her in touch with a victim who fought back with a firearm. I gave her Ann Barry's name and telephone number, and Safer contacted Barry. A CBS crew flew from New York to Barry's Kentucky home and filmed a re-enactment of her story: two armed burlgars axed down her door and she met them with a .357 Magnum. In the gun battle that followed, Barry disabled one burglar and routed the second one. The re-enactment even had the lead detective (who is very pro-gun) document his investigation into the case. This story is to be aired on the show tomorrow night.

I have no idea whether the rest of the show will be anti-gun or pro-gun (you guess), but I did talk with Sarah Safer on a couple of occasions, and related my concern about the mainstream media's continuing negative coverage of gun issues. She stated that she was doing all she could to make this documentary fair.

Robert A. Waters
Author of "The Best Defense: True Stories of Intended Victims Who Defended Themselves with a Firearm"
Thanks for the headsup. Could you please post your evaluation of the show later. My VCR is down at this time and I work nights.
Just finished watching the show. All in all, it was a pretty balanced presentation. They didn't touch too much on politics, which I think was a good choice. They mainly focused on personal stories and personal perspectives toward guns.

I noticed a few inconsistancies and little nit-picky things that were passed off as fact, but that's kinda the norm with the media anymore. The pro gunners really made a point with common sense. The antis were appealing purely to emotionalism. Anyone with a logical mind should choose the right path.

The most tragic story, IMHO, was the one where the CCW holder left his loaded pistol on an end table and one of his grandkids shot his cousin in the face and killed him. This is not an argument against guns, this is an argument against the actions of irresponsible gun owners. Safety should be paramount in anyones life who owns and keeps loaded guns in their house. Kids or no kids.


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
I caught the last 20 minutes or so. All I saw was the same old crap. I fired off an email to TLC about it. Now I wish I had seen the first half. Still if the first half was at least balanced that means it was half for and half against. What I saw was so obviously biased. Man it just burns my biscuits when I see garbage like that. On second thought, I am glad I sent the email anyway. I was not mean or anything, just sick and tired of media bias and liberal, anti-gun crap. Argghh! I feel better now. :)

Rant mode off. I need a beer.

They should have made the last 1/2 the pro gun portion as that is what people remember.

Sheople have short memory.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I quit watching it after the 3rd or 4th time the narrator refered to the "privilege" of keeping, much less bearing arms.
My problem with the show is their constant referral to "Gun Violence".

Violence comes from people, not from inanimate objects. By constntly referring to "gun violence" the producers automatically create a bias towards firearms.

I guess we have to accept that we will never get a fair shake from the media.

I guess that some people have to be able to hate someone. You can hate gun owners and still feel good about yourself in our society. Just another form of Bigotry that is currently PC.

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
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